Looking over to the entrance once more, she noticed Kyoya welcoming a few guys who walked in. She grunted knowing they were there for her. They walked over to an empty pair of couches and sat themselves. They looked over to Y/N. Two of the three shyly smiled and waved. She returned a light smile, nodding in acknowledgement. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the third person and her heart nearly stopped. 

Y/N inhaled sharply. She looked away quickly, but her eyes flicked back. His gaze was as soft as she remembered. His two-toned eyes scanned her with admiration. She turned away, her heart skipping way too many beats. She was happy to see a familiar face, but part of her felt hurt. And to her dismay, angry.

"My beautiful guests, I would like to introduce you to our potential instrumentalist," Tamaki announced, "If you happened to be here yesterday, we discovered the lovely Y/N Newman playing violin in Music Room #4. She will be playing once again for you all today. Please welcome her and show her your love," he finished.

Everyone turned their attention to Y/N, letting out gasps and a few claps upon seeing her presence. Y/N waved awkwardly at the sudden attention.

The room split in half as far as attention goes. A few turned back to the host they came to see, conversing with them, while the rest kept their attention on Y/N.

She got ready to begin the song, bringing up the base of the violin to rest under her chin. She moved the bow in swift motions. The song had begun with a soft yet crisp melody. Y/N watched in her peripheral as more people turned their heads to see her.

As she continued, the song became more intense. Not enough to shock people, but enough for them to notice the change in her emotion. She put everything into her playing. Almost like she wanted those hosts to know how she felt. She didn't want to think about walking over to the table of guys waiting for her. She just wanted to play this song and hopefully feel better after doing so.

The song came to an end and Y/N relaxed her arms. She looked over the room to find everyone clapping. Her mind was still in a daze. She saw everyone smiling and giving her an applause; even the other club members were giving her their attention. However, everything was quiet. It felt as if all of her energy and emotion had flooded out of her after she played that song.

Y/N blinked a few times as her senses suddenly returned. The applause was much louder than she expected. A bright smile adorned her face as she placed her violin in its casing and gave a slight bow to everyone. She noticed Kyoya had made his way close to where she was, seeming as if he needed to speak with her.

She walked up to him giving a few 'thank you's' to people complimenting her. Y/N found his eyes as he spoke, "That was rather impressive, Ms. Newman. I could definitely sense the strong amount of emotion coming from you. Well done."

"Good, I'm glad," she remarked. She looked over to the table of boys awaiting her, "I assume I have to go over to them now?" Y/N made a gesture over to the group.

"You would be correct. As soon as you approach them, they'll only be here for 30 minutes. You will have more customers afterwards, however," he explained.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Of course. Whatever. 30 minutes isn't that bad." She turned on her heel and made her way over to her table.

The three boys turned her way and smiled as she approached. "Hi, Y/N! It's nice to see you," one of them spoke.

"Yes, you as well. . ." She trailed off, waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Yasu. Yasu Imai," He smiled again. Yasu had platinum blonde hair paired with fair skin. He had hazel brown eyes and, honestly, a very gentle smile.

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