Chapter eleven

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Two weeks.. it's been two dreadful weeks since my boy's accident and two dreadful weeks of him being unresponsive. Doctor Devenski says that he has been healing very slowly and it's really starting to worry me.

I've been doing as much pack work as I can but I just can't bare being away from Apollo for to long. My butterfly needs me in order to heal greatly but I do understand that my people also need me. Life has been absolutely aggravating. I need to juggle my pack work because I am the alpha and I can't just leave all the work to Callum, making sure my mate heals fast and properly so that way he can wake up and I can explain what he saw so we can move past it and be happy together, and also trying to be around him without people growing suspicious about it. People like his mother because it's not my place to tell her it's his, father because he will try to attack Apollo and I'd just end up killing him, and my pack because they'd have to many questions and opinions.

Although I am in no way opposed to answering my packs questions and concerns I am just not in the right head space and because of that fact I might snap accidentally or take something the wrong way. To insure that doesn't happen I'm trying to be discreet about it which is why I mostly bring Callum with me so that way it won't be to suspicious.

I am currently in my office trying to get this damn work done when a knock sounds on the door.

I'm in no mood for company so I just ignore it, but the person attached to the hand knocking just knocks again clearly not getting the hint. I know whoever it is is aware that I am here and whoever that is, is also aware that I can hear they're knock perfectly fine. Sighing I sit back in my chair waiting to see if they walk away or keep knocking.

"Alpha, I'm sorry to bother you but it's important, I need to ask a favor of you if it isn't to much trouble" the owner of the hand spoke up. It didn't take long for me to register that the person who was knocking is Apollo's mother, Jasmine, and it was just then that I smelled her familiar warm scent. Great now I feel like a complete dick. How can I not smell my butterfly's mom and how can I just ignore her when she need something of me. I am her son's mate and although she doesn't know that yet I know it which is why I should pay more attention and help my mate's family whenever they need it.

"You may enter" I shout out to her signaling for her to come into the office and let me know what it is she needs from me. I watch as the door slowly opens and she pops her head in before her body follows suit, entering into my office space with a long looking face. I notice the bags underneath her eyes, the deep frown on her face, and the pain Biden not very well in her eyes. It killed me a little just to knew that she looked that way because her son is badly injured. The thought of one of her babies almost dying is killing her inside and honestly I'm right there with her.

Walking towards me I motion my hand towards the seat in front of my desk signaling for her to sit. Bowing to me quickly she takes her seat and closes her eyes while deeply breathing in and out.

After a good three minutes of silence Jasmine opens her eyes again and looks towards me.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time alpha" she begins making me shake my head indicating that she is in fact not bothering me at all but I stay quiet letting her continue "you know of my brother Jarred right? The alpha of blue stone?"

I hate her brother. He is so weird and self centered that it mentally and pretty much physically makes me want to throw up. Since finding out Apollo is my mate I like him even less, Jarred has always been a dickhead to my mate and to Bell-amore. Nodding my head to her question I wait for her to continue.

"Well his mate and wife was recently in a coma due to her not healing correctly but he gave her some medicine crafted from the Zoltax witches causing her to heal in just five days" I don't like where this is going... at all. I don't necessarily have a problem with witches but I don't really trust them either. If she gives him some shit a witch made and my mate dies after a week I'm going to kill all of them her included. Despite my dislike to where this conversation is headed I let her keep going "Well he still has a bit left over and he said I can use it on Apollo to help speed up his healing process"

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