Chapter four

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"So you aren't going to be at my ceremony next week butterfly?" This is so disappointing. I was looking forward to him being there he's my emotional support or some shit like that. Yes technically speaking I had Callum there to support me but it's different with Apollo. I can't really explain it but our bond goes deeper than anyone else's he's like my platonic soulmate I love the dude and like hanging out with him.

"Uhh- yea I can't make it..." he sounded unsure for some reason but I ignore it. I wonder why.. did he find he's mate early or some shit? Because that didn't matter he could bring them for all I cared I just knew I needed him there and plus we used to talk about it as kids all the time. I'd be alpha, Callum would be my beta, he'd be my Gamma because I hate Joshua and plus he had a beta wolf anyways so fuck him, when Bella becomes of age she'll be my head warrior until then he's dad would stick, and when I find my mate she'd be my Luna though I suppose it would be really possible for me to be mated to a boy but that won't happen my dad wouldn't like that at all the moon goddess couldn't be that cruel but if she was and that was the case I'd welcome it my father will just have to shove something up his ass nevertheless if I was mated to a guy then he'd be the second alpha.

"Right... so wh-" I'm about to ask him why when he dashes to the bathroom jumbling something very incoherent. Right okay

After a few minutes Apollo emerges out the bathroom scratching his head looking everywhere but me. What the fuck is wrong with the butterfly today? "Sorryithoughtiwasabouttothrowupanywaysicantmakeitbecauseimgoingoutwithauhgirlyeahagirl" he rushed out breathing very heavily. I didn't understand shit he just said so I raised my eyebrow at him prompting him to repeat all that but much slower.

Sighing he walks over to where I was laying on his bed and just stares down at me and I stare back at him. He has very pretty features and he's grown more manly compared to his looks from our childhood though he always haves this soft adorable look to him that is completely captivating. We literally stare at each other for a while but I don't mind it one bit. This is gay as shit but at the same time it's just us in here and he doesn't seem to notice at all so I just keep staring into his eyes this goes on for about another five minutes before he closes his eyes taking a deep breath he holds it for a few seconds. Breathing out he opens his eyes again and lays next to me on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"If I tell you something promise not to freak out shit face?" He sounded uncertain and uncomfortable but who am I to point that out and especially because I really wanted to know what it was considering I never freak out but he's telling me not to which means he thinks or knows what he's going to tell me will make me freak out

Sitting up on the bed I turn my body and cross my legs in a crisscross apple sauce position while also resting my arms in my lap and my face in my hands so he has my full attention. I didn't need to tell him to talk he understood well enough to go on a keep talking.

He closes his eyes again and is silent for a few minutes before he finally looks at me. "Let me finish talking completely before you say or do anything okay.. if you do I'll freak out and shut down" he states more than asks and very seriously might I add. Nodding my head I wait until he is ready to talk

Getting up he moves off of the bed and to the couch on the other side of his nightstand my eyes following him intently he brings his legs up to his chest while hugging them and laying his chin on his knees. He's starting to seriously worry me. Apollo isn't one to get nervous and he doesn't sugarcoat shit. But nevertheless I wait until he's ready not wanting him to shut down.

"You're my best friend and I don't want anything to ruin that...." What the fuck is wrong? My butterfly couldn't possibly think I'd stop being friends with him over whatever he is going to tell me. I mean what could cause him to think that? Did he steal candy from a baby? Did he murder someone? Did he bully someone? Did he like lose his virginity or something? Did he try to commit suicide? Is he gay? I mean the first three are cruel and I'd be piss depending on the situation but I'd get over it eventually. If he lost his virginity id be fucking happy but I know that's not it cause I can still smell it on him he's still a virgin. If he tried to kill himself id make sure he's simply okay... after I slap the living shit out of him. And if he's gay I can handle that he's my best friend it only means id have to hook him up with Callum or something I mean Callum's bisexual so why not. I mean that's possible he is kinda scary like my mom and more on the feminine side.. nah he's not gay he can't b-

Our fate Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon