Chapter ten

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No! Not him! Not my best friend! Not my beautiful mate! Why did this happen to him?! Why couldn't it happen to me?! It should've been me not him!

The look of his face when he pulled Olivia away from me, it was pure pain and betrayal. I hurt him and he ran because of it, he ran because of me. If none of that would've happened, he wouldn't have been hit by a truck, and he wouldn't have been in here unresponsive fighting for his life. The first fifteen minutes of mate ship and I've already managed to do harm to my mate. Danny wasn't talking much at all. He understood it wasn't my fault. Olivia had kissed me and right when I was going to push her away Apollo popped up, so Danny wasn't upset with me. He did try and cheer me up but due to his own pain it was hard. Nevertheless I still appreciated his efforts.

It's been two days since the worst day of my life. Apollo's mother, jasmine still doesn't know what happened in full detail just that Apollo was in a car accident and she has been begging me to tell her... well more like threatening me but I am not letting up, I mean I would tell her but it isn't my place to reveal to her that I'm her son's mate, it's his place to do that. Both me and Callum have been by his side constantly since that day. Nobody is allowed to stay overnight with him but being as though I am the alpha and Callum is my beta they can't make us leave.

Every time I look at his pale skin or every time I touch his cold hand I feel my chest rip open a million times.

He just looks so dead.

I know he's alive. I feel him still here and I hear his faint heartbeat. I still wish he looked like his normal lively and joking self not this dead looking person. The doctors told everyone yesterday that his body is in shock from the crash. His body and his
wolf, Zac, are both trying to heal his major injuries.

Doctor Devenski said it best to keep him in a medically induced coma for the mean time until his stomach wound (that being his worst one) is completely healed. At first jasmine was arguing with her saying that her son needs to wake up after much convincing I finally got her to realize it be better that he sleeps than be in excruciating pain and discomfort and then she agreed. The whole situation is to much for her to take so she left and only comes in the morning to check on him.

I feel her on the "this is to much" thing because I feel the same exact way. And to make matters worse the last thing he saw before going into a coma was his fucking mate with my lips on another girl, even if it wasn't my intention to kiss her.

My chest tightens at the memory of his face filled with betrayal and the broken look in his eyes. It hurt so fucking much.

If I just had stay inside none of that would've happened. If I just had trusted him enough to know he'd never go back on his word and he'd be there then I would've never got that drunk and we would've found out together. He'd be fine probably laughing, or making jokes about me, and maybe if I had got lucky he'd be in my arms.. but no instead he's laying in this hospital bed, pale, and unconscious while I'm perfectly healthy not a damn scratch on my body. It shouldn't have been him, FUCK! It shouldn't have been him. I was the one that fucked up, it should've been me for goddess sakes.

Grabbing his right hand I bring it up to my lips placing a small soft kiss on it. Closing my eyes I hold his hand against my head and breathe in his sent just enjoying the feeling of electricity running through my body at the contact our skin is making. I didn't only stay close because I'm sad I also knew that I had to. Every time a wolf that has found their mate gets hurt whether that be physically, or emotionally, or mentally it's recommended for their mate to stick by them and create a lot of physical contact in order for them to properly heal and get comfort. Now the doctors didn't outright tell me to do this, because they didn't know, nobody did really, I haven't told anybody, Callum and Momma being the only exceptions, that we're mates. I didn't want nobody to know yet, at least not until I tell my father and not until he wake up.

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