Chapter three

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Walking through the woods on my way back home from a run I see Atticu's mom, Luna Isabel, walking with her sister may.

The Luna has always been nice to me ever since Atticus basically forced me to be friends with him. Though I do enjoy being his friend it's just a little bit hard given that I'm in the closet. I am not ashamed of who I am not one bit but I have to keep it a secret because the Alpha hates gay's really bad. It's really dumb and so 1800's but given that he is 300 years old it makes sense I just wish I can be who I am freely. It doesn't help that I am extremely attracted to Atticus though I'd never tell him that. The Luna though she knows and even welcomes it she says I'd be "an amazing mate and boyfriend" to her son and I'd be the only one that can "keep him in the right path and put him in his place when needed".

Normally I'd walk up to her and greet my Luna but I don't want to be disrespectful to her as she is in the middle of a conversation with her sister. May never liked me she says I'm too feminine for a boy and she doesn't want my "gayness" to rube off on her nephew not to mention I made her daughter Kira cry in the 3rd grade for making a gay kid in my class bawl his eyes out. I honestly just hate bullies and given her daughter is a bitch it really is no surprise her mother is too I mean the bitch apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.

Turning on my heels I go to walk the other direction to Callum's house instead. Callum Malaslow is Atticus's best friend and given I spend a lot of my time with him that includes spending time with Callum as well. I'm in no way a people's person, I hate people and I hate human interaction even more I just never really liked talking or hanging with others I much rather spend my time reading or running it calms Zac too.

My wolf's full name is Zacharius and he is one of the 13 royal wolves gifted to me by the moon goddess. He can be bougie and very self centered but I love being his human part anyways.

'I am not bougie you little peasant' Zac growls into my head

Rolling my eyes I continue walking until a soft and smooth voice stops me in my tracks making me turn back towards the way I was originally walking

"Now where are you manners little pup? Here I thought you liked me" the Luna mocks. She knows I absolutely respect her but she also knows I hate people and her sister is in that list of said people I hate.

Smiling at her I bowed greeting her with respect. Looking over to her sister who is looking at me as if I stole her favorite dildo I smile less sincerely and bow to her too. Even though the wicked witch from the west isn't a high ranked wolf like Atticus's, Callum's, and my family she is still the Luna's sister and I give her my respect for the sake of Isabel and Atticus. Rolling her eyes she says something not audible to her sister and walks away. Thank fuck cause she is the last person I want to be around right now or like ever if I'm being honest

'When aren't you honest little puppy' Zac mocks me. If I could kick his ass I definitely would 'oh yea I know when... whenever your around mr. Gloomy and pretend like you don't want him to put his cock up your a-'

'OKAYYY SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL YOU' I cut off his sentence making the cocky fuck grin in my head. I don't bother denying it for the simple fact he literally lives in my head and knows everything but still I can act indifferent with him.

"You know I do Isabel. I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation with the wicked witch of the west, I don't want her doing no voodoo shit on me" I tell her causing her to roll her eyes and laugh. She walks up to me.

"Heading back from one of your morning runs little pup?" That nickname I hate it but I can't exactly tell her not to call me that it would be disrespectful to tell the Luna what she can and can't call me.

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