Governor election day

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Fox News is covering every state who have counted there Ballots already

At 11pm pacific time
Fox News broadcasts a breaking news

Greg Gutfeld: we bring you major history making Breaking news. Gavin Newson has lost the California Govenors election to former Malibu California mayor Elliott Kennedy. As far as I know he's the only Kennedy family member who is not democratic. Oh I just got word his Max Kennedy who's a lawyer is also a republican. This is definitely going in Californias history books. It seemed like Gavin was going to win as of early this morning. I wonder what happened.

Producer: um greg we just got a call from the governor elect Elliott Kennedy he saw your breaking news and has some things he would like to say.
Greg: copy that put him on.
Elliott: Hello Greg Gutfeld
Greg: well hello to you congrats on your win. It was looking like Gavin Newson was going to win as of this morning.
Elliott: you wanna know how he lost. He went on to twitter and started saying hurtful things about me and calling me names. I guess it translated on to people cause here I am as governor elect for the state of California. Also I Ron Desantis endorsed me last Monday. I think it inspired people.
Greg: Mike find those tweets please America needs to see how horrible Gavin Newson is.

2 minutes later
Greg: oh my gosh. Elliott im so sorry you had to deal with these mean not nice words Gavin Newson said to you on twitter. That's very hurtful and in todays world not acceptable either yeah how did his campaign staff let him get away with such hurtful words. That's beyond me.

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