8 years later

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The state of California is in utter disarray and with my 6 years as mayor of Malibu California I have not only made Malibu a prime destination for tourists it's the only majorly leaning conservative city in all of California you have me to thank f...

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The state of California is in utter disarray and with my 6 years as mayor of Malibu California I have not only made Malibu a prime destination for tourists it's the only majorly leaning conservative city in all of California you have me to thank for that. But that's not the reason for this post. Gavin Newson is a complete idiot just look at your surroundings has he done anything good. The answer is heck no! The streets are full of homeless people criminals and crime and it's driving people out of California. I want to bring hope and change to California. And to solve the biggest problems in California that Gavin Newson hasn't bothered to address a single bit. I Elliott Kennedy am officially running to be your next governor for the state of California. I'll be having a rally at the Malibu convention arena tomorrow at 7pm I encourage all who are interested to come you won't wanna miss it. There will be live entertainment provided by my beautiful gorgeous wife Brooklyn Kennedy. A lot of you may know her name. Cause yeah she's one of the most successful pop artists of all time and it all happened in 7 years. Oh and my son Lance (7 years old) will be there along with his 6 other siblings Mac(6 years old), Lilian(6 years old) Kassi(6 years old) Aidan( 5 years old) Evan( r years old) Noell(3 years old) and my youngest kid Annalise(3months old) There all rooting for me. Hope to see you all there and god bless America.

Logan is scrolling through his Instagram feed and sees the post
Logan: oh shit! He's really doing this! Erin come here and hustle your gonna wanna see this.
Erin hustles to the living room.
Logan: look at this instagram post Elliott put up.
Erin reads it.
Erin: holy shit! He's running for governor!! Id say good freaking luck taking down Gavin Newson. A lot of people like Gavin Newson but there also liberal as can freaking be! We should totally go to his rally tomorrow we do live in Malibu still and it would be nice to get out of the house.
Logan: great it's a date night.

The next day

Lilian: dad look at all the people who have shown up to your rally.
Elliott: yeah I know the turn out is awesome.
Brooklyn: um Elliott your dad just called he can't make it to introduce you your step mom has been throwing up on and off all afternoon and he's taking her to the hospital as he and she know it's not normal for her to puke on and off all afternoon.
Elliott: great that's just great! Of all days my step mom has to get sick.
Brooklyn: people can't control when they get sick babe.
Elliott: well now I don't have a person introducing me and saying nice stuff about me.
Brooklyns phone vibrates she looks at it and an idea hits her head
Brooklyn: okay I've got an idea Elliott.
Elliott: yes go ahead
Brooklyn: would I be crazy if I said your best friend Logan is here at the rally to support you with his wife Erin.
Elliott: yes you would. Wait he's here???
Brooklyn: yes Erin texted me she and Logan are here.
Elliott: Omg great tell Erin she and Logan are to go to the event staff only gate area and  Lilian will grab them and let them in. Also tell her my dad had to take my step mom to the hospital as she's been throwing up on and off all afternoon and he was going to introduce me and say nice stuff but isn't coming anymore and that I'd like Logan to do it.
Brooklyn: okay will do.
10 minutes later
Logan: thanks Lilian
Lilian no problem Mr Garcia.
Elliott: thanks Logan for agreeing to do this last minute. Where's Erin?
Logan: she drove home quickly to grab me business casual attire as she knows what I'm wearing won't cut it.
5 minutes later
Logan gets a text
Logan: Lilian I need you to go grab my wife from the event  staff only gate entrance please as I have to change quickly as the rally starts in 7 minutes.
Lilian: okay Mr. Garcia.
2 minutes later
Erin: here's some business casual attire in this tote I grabbed what came to plain site and put it in this tote of mine. You better get changed.
Logan: yes im about to go do it!
Logan hustles and goes to change.
3 minutes later.
Logan: I'm back.
Elliott: good cause your on in 10 seconds
Elliott: okay go.
Logan steps up and goes to the podium
Logan: I know I'm not the person your all expecting to see introduce the candidate. But his dad had personal matters to deal with in regards to his step mom and had to take her to the hospital if you all could keep her in your prayers im sure he would appreciate it. My best friend Elliott is the most hardworking self determined person I've ever met. The way he strives to make the community better is so special and amazing. Also the fact he is the mayor of the only conservative leaning city in all of the state of California. He has made Malibu a desirable tourist destination for all travelers across the country hence why the tourism industry for California is up its all up because Malibu is the most popular tourist destination in all of California. And I wonder why? Stupid liberal cities.
Everyone chuckles
I am so proud to introduce my best friend Elliott Kennedy.
Everyone cheers
Elliott walks onto the stage and to the podium and hugs his best friend Logan. Logan then walks off the stage
Elliott: thank you everyone. Logan my best friend he's awesome!
The crowd cheers
The tourism industry is definitely up in California but people are not coming to California for any city but to come to Malibu. I am proud of my accomplishments and the way I turned Malibu from a liberal city to a conservative leaning city and how it's the only one in the whole state of California is still beyond me.
The crowd laughs
At the End of speech Elliott gets a chant going
Crowd: NOW!
Crowd: NOW!
Elliot: thank you California and god bless you and the state of California.

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