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Requested by WinterBlue_Angel22

[Hunter x shy!fem!human!reader]

"The aquarium?"

The question had left your lips as soon as you heard the suggestion.

You and your friends were all in Luz's living room in the human realm trying to come up with an activity for today when Luz suggested you go to the aquarium.

"Well...what does everyone else think?" you asked, looking around the room.

There were murmurs of agreement from around the group. You noticed Luz whisper something in Hunter's ear, too quiet for you to hear, and he glanced at you red-faced before nodding his head in answer to the question.

Everyone then looked at you. You were the only one who hadn't voiced their opinion. You felt nervous under their expectant gazes.

"Uh... Sure, why not?"

Luz beamed and everyone began to head off, presumably to seek the permission of the matriarch of the household. She thought it was a good idea, and before you knew it, it was time to leave.


Everyone got out the car, and the four witches looked at the place in interest and curiosity. You and Luz had been here a few times before, but they'd probably never even seen one. You thought it might be nice to be able to share it with them. Once you got inside, Luz suggested you go around in pairs.

Luz, of course, was with Amity, Gus and Vee, Willow and Camila, and you were with Hunter. You were glad you could have this chance to spend some time just the two of you, finally. You were looking forward to showing him the aquarium.

You walked side by side with him, itching for him to see your favourite exhibits. The two of you entered a room with one of those transparent tunnels where you can see the marine life in all directions. You heard a soft gasp from next to you as a large fish swam over you.

"What's that?" Hunter asked you.

"Xiphias gladius." You saw his beyond confused expression and giggled before deciding to elaborate. "Swordfish."

"Oh." He looked back up at it. "I guess that makes sense."

"You see how big it is?" He nodded. "Well, a baby swordfish is so small that you can barely even see it. They can grow to over a million times their initial size! The largest swordfish recorded was nearly 15 feet long!" You looked at his face, which held an intrigued expression, and you lightly blushed in realisation that you'd been info-dumping. "S-sorry, I just... really like fish. I know a lot about them." You chuckled self-consciously.

He smiled at you, "That's okay, I like it. It's nice seeing you so interested about something."

It wasn't much longer until you came back out the other side of the tunnel, and you tensed when you realised that enough time had passed for the aquarium to become truly busy. There were people everywhere, and you were beginning to feel a little overwhelmed.

"It's getting kind of crowded," Hunter remarked. "Here, hold my hand."

He then slipped his hand into yours and squeezed, gently but reassuringly. You squeezed back, and he led you winding around the numerous people, couples and families, and out of the thick of the crowd.

"Thanks Hunter.." you said softly.

He gave you a kiss on your cheek and pulled you close. "Of course. You'll always have me to help."

You giggled slightly, and you leaned your head against his shoulder. "You always know how to make me smile."

A/N  Why was this so damn difficult to write for me? Anyway, after months, it's finally done

Hunter|the Golden Guard x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now