~*Face Kisses*~

698 12 14

Requested by WinterBlue_Angel22

Point in timeline: In the Human Realm after King's Tide

[Hunter x shy!fem!human!reader]

It had been a few weeks since coming to the Human Realm. A few weeks since the Day of Unity. The four witches were settling in okay, especially considering their situation. They were stuck in a realm they've never even seen before, with no way home. In fact, the situation was a familiar one to you. You and Luz had been trapped in their realm for a few months. Only then, it was a choice to stay in the first place. This wasn't a choice.

When you'd agreed to stay with Luz in the Boiling Isles, you'd figured you'd be free to come home whenever you wanted. But then things had to get complicated. Luz couldn't just hand over the portal to the emperor, so she destroyed it. Your only way home. You forgave her, of course, it would've been worse if Belos had it. But you were trapped. And now they were.

Sat at the table in the dining room of Luz's home, you looked at Hunter. He looked so sad. So traumatised. Like he'd just lost everything. You wanted nothing more than to make him smile again. You just wished you had more confidence.

Luz, Willow, Gus, and Amity explained to Camila and Vee what happened at the Day of Unity. It was clear Camila was concerned that her only daughter had gone through so much.

"We have to do whatever it takes to get back," Amity had insisted.

"You will," Camila had reassured. "But for now, you should all rest. You're safe here."

Ultimately, Amity, of course, ended up sharing a room with Luz and Vee, as well as Willow, Hunter and Gus stayed downstairs in the basement, and you were in the guest room. Although, Hunter did often come visit you in the guest room. He always said it was to comfort you, but in truth it was half for his own comfort, too.

You noticed Hunter always seemed more happy nowadays. Maybe it was the change in environment, maybe it was his friends, or maybe it was that this was the first chance he'd ever had to just be a kid. Either way, you loved to see him smile. And after Camila had helped him cut his hair, he finally seemed like his own person. Not someone that someone else had told him to be, actually himself.

You were sat on your bed in the guest room, Hunter beside you. You looked up at him. He was reading a book intently, and you watched as his expressions shifted. Sometime shock, or anger, happiness. It was adorable.

He must have sensed you looking at him because he looked up from the book at you, and he gave you one of those smiles, the one where you can clearly see his tooth gap.

You giggled, and scooched closer.

He closed the book and started telling you all about it. Characters, plot, lore. And you listened to every word. You could never get enough of his voice.

The way he was being so dorky and nerdy was absolutely adorable. And the way his voice would occasionally crack also make your heart flutter.

You giggled again, grabbed him by the face and peppered his face with little kisses, covering every inch of his face, muttering in between.

His cheek.
"You always know how to make me smile."

"You make my heart beat so quick."

"You're the best thing to have ever happened to me."

He initially had made a surprised squeak noise, face turning bright red as well as the tips of his ears.

When you pulled away you looked at his blushing freaked out face and giggled a little, covering your mouth with your hands.

His face then changed to the most adorable crooked grin.

"U-um... l-let's go join t-the others," you stuttered.

"uH, y-yeAh." He cleared his throat. "I-I mean- uh- Yeah, let's."

The two of you then stood up from the bed and headed downstairs together.

A/N:  I intended for this to be longer, but, oh well. I suck at making long chapters or oneshots. Also, I apologise if this doesn't live up to expectations or standards.

(662 words)

Hunter|the Golden Guard x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now