Cursed (Headcanon)

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Requested by WinterBlue_Angel22

[cursed!Hunter x shy!fem!human!reader]

• You could tell something was off from the beginning, but he always dodged your questions so you let it go.

• You were worried about him.

• He would often act weird and sometimes he'd dash off unexpectedly.

• He was afraid that if you found out about his cursed form, you'd be afraid of him.

• He often brought elixir with him when he spent time with you, and would sneak drinks when you weren't looking, or would sneak away for just a moment for a drink.

When y/n finds out:~

• One day he was about to run off for some elixir but you grabbed him by the arm and asked him to tell you what was wrong.

• He tried his usual tactic of dodging the question, but you were insistent.

• He tried to convince you to let him go and you told him you'd let him go after he told you what was wrong.

• Unfortunately this took too long, and he took the form of his curse.

• Obviously, it all made sense in that moment. Why he would run off, why he was acting weird, it all made sense.

• He was covered with red feathers, with huge wings, and black feathers covering his chest. His eyes were pure black, and you could see blond feathers closely resembling his hair. But his face.... It was unmistakably Hunter.

• You knew exactly what this was; you'd encountered something similar back at the owl house, with Eda.

• Luckily, you had an elixir. You'd gotten into the habit of taking one wherever you went in case of an Eda-mergency.

• Some point during this encounter he'd scratched you, leaving a bloody scar across your eye.

• Even through the tears of pain, you were determined to help him.

• After he had cornered you you managed to get him to drink the golden elixir and he turned back to himself again.

• When he saw the blood oozing down your face and the heterochromia he'd caused, he told you to leave, that you weren't safe with him.

• He was convinced you'd be scared of him, and when he told you such that was your breaking point.

• You yelled at him. You hated it. You never wanted to shout at him, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

• You told him you weren't scared of him. You loved him, and nothing could ever change that.

• After that you and Hunter went back to the owl house, and he treated your injury. He kept repeating apologies all the while, and you kept telling him he had nothing to apologise for, and you only wished he'd told you sooner.

When y/n first sees his harpy form:~

• The two of you were hanging on the Knee, and he was struggling with his curse. Unfortunately, he'd forgotten to bring an elixir with him.

• You'd decided to give him some room, but forgot you were on a cliff, so as you stepped back you lost your footing, and fell, grabbing on to a root sticking out of the cliff.

• He wanted to help, but he couldn't reach you, no matter how much he tried to reach, and he didn't want to try to ride his staff in fear of turning while he did.

• Then he remembered something you'd told him about his curse that you'd found out from Eda's one: if he can talk to and make peace with his curse, then he could be able to control it.

• He talked to the cardinal beast, and eventually, after quite some negotiating, he managed to get it to help.

• You yelled for help as your hand began to slip down the root. As you lost your grip on it and began to fall, you were suddenly caught by Hunter, bridal-style.

• You looked up at him red-faced. He looked... amazing. He had large red wings, and his sclerae were black, with his dazzling magenta eyes standing out more than ever.

• With you in his arms, he flew back to solid ground, away from the edge this time.

• After he put you down safely, you looked up at him. You were proud of him, and you couldn't stop thinking about how cute his harpy form was.

Hunter|the Golden Guard x reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang