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It's been almost a week since I'm in Zora's domain. We never really talked with Sidon, he was too busy with cleaning the water and I was looking for clues about where is the land of sky fish and how to get to the sky islands where the sludge is coming from.

Tomorrow, Sidon and I are going to theses sky islands together. I just hope it won't be too awkward and we will be able to talk like we used to do. I miss those times.

I walked to my bed and read a book. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about Sidon...    Yona, her fiancé is a really nice person and she really cares about people and helping them, but why can't I genuinely like her like every other Zoras do... I wonder how much Sidon loves her...

I woke up still tired, I couldn't sleep much but I had to go meet Sidon. I quickly got ready and head to our meeting spot. On the way I met Yona. She asked me if I slept well and I told her I did even tho it wasn't true. I kept walking, but I became nervous again. What if Sidon didn't wanted to see me?

I finally got there, Sidon waved at me. His smile was beautiful as always. He looked at me in the eyes and I started to blush. He probably noticed it and stopped staring at me.

After we got up there, we succeeded to turn on the four faucets to collect the water so we can wash off the sludge. We used the central device and the water started flowing, I looked at him and smiled, we did it. But turns out it wasn't over, some kind of monster was hiding in the sludge, the scourge of the water temple, the source of the sludge. 

Together, we defeated the monster but I got hit on my arm and it was left with an injury. Sidon looked really worried.

"Link, are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't help so much, you almost did everything. I feel so useless..."

I was surprised by what Sidon said and tried to tell him it wasn't his fault.

"Sidon, don't worry"

I was having a hard time with speaking to him, I already don't like to talk but when it was Sidon, my words would get stuck and it was really hard for me to express myself.

Sidon brought me to the nurse and I got out with a bandage on my arm. It wasn't that serious compared to my others injury but Sidon still looked concerned for me. 

The next day, I went to see Sidon. I wanted to talk to him. We went for a walk around toto lake but it was awkward between us, I tried to talk to him but I couldn't. Sidon eventually started the conversation.

"Link, how is your arm doing?"

"Fine I guess..."

Sidon looked at me like he was concerned about me.

"Did I do something? I feel like, you don't enjoy my presence lately... I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you. You know I care about you right?"

"Don't worry Sidon, you did nothing wrong I swear..."

"But if anything happens, you know you can talk to me right?"


Sidon was so kind and caring to me. I wonder why. I really like him. Is it right to like your best friend that way? Anyways, I shouldn't be thinking about that. We're both males and he has a fiancé. The only thing I can do is to wish him the best with her...


I looked at him.

"What is it Link?"

"How are you doing with Yona?"

"Erm... Well good I guess. I think you know that we're gonna get married soon..."

"Oh... Uh... That's great... How have you two met?"

"Well she's an old friend of mine, we used to see each other a lot in the past but at one point we lost contact, but my father arranged this marriage between us and I guess now were engaged..."

"It was an arranged marriage...?"

"Yeah... But at least it was Yona, she's a really good friend you know? Plus, she's really kind and thoughtful."

"So, you don't love her?"

"I do!... But not in a romantic way... I only sees her like an other sister , and I'm not really into girls..."

I couldn't hear correctly what he said at the end but I was really surprised to know that he only saw her as his sister. Which means he isn't in love with her... I felt butterflies in my stomach at that thought but I knew it was wrong. 

We ended up going back to the domain and took separated ways to our rooms. 

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