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Location: Nemesis

The Next Morning:

Ace's Room:

Ace was sitting at his desk. He looked and saw other things that were on his pad. He looked at them. He noticed weird things typed in. Like almost in voice recordings. "Why does this guy Soundwave speak only in voice recordings?" He said and whispered to himself. He was thinking when he heard Laserbeak chirping. He turned and he looked at her. "What." He asked Laserbeak. "Chirp." She said to Ace. "Oh. What's the use of even listening to you when I can't even understand what you are saying to me." He said and replied back to Laserbeak. Laserbeak flew over and she pecked his helm. He pushed her away. "Stop." He said to Laserbeak. He got up and he left.

Throne Room:

I was sitting on my throne when I heard the doors open to the throne room. I looked and I saw Ace. Ace walked over to you. "Question." He asked me. "Okay. Fire away." I said and replied back to Ace. "Huh." He said to me, confused at what I said to him. "It's a thing that humans say." I said and explained to Ace. "Oh. Okay. How do I and how can I understand what Laserbeak is trying to say to me." He said and asked me. "To be honest I don't know. You can talk to her through the bond that you share with her." I said and replied back to Ace. Ace looked at you. "Bond. I didn't know I had a bond with her." He said to me, confused that he even had a bond with Laserbeak. "Yeah. You do." I said and replied back to Ace. Ace was still looking at you. "You okay Ace." I asked him. "I don't know." He said and replied back to me. Soon the doors open to the throne room. We looked and we saw my father. Megatron looked and saw Ace. He smiled and he walked in and he sat down on his throne.

"Morning Ace. Megatron said to Ace. "Morning Megatronus." He said and replied back to Megatronus. I looked at my father. "Megatronus." I said, surprised that he was calling my father by his original name. My father looked at me. "Yes, Megatronus." My father said and replied back to me. "He has the right to call me that. He's my best friend. Right Ace." He said and asked Ace. "Yes, Megatronus." He said and replied back to Megatronus. Soon Laserbeak flew in. She pecked at Ace's helm. "Stop Laserbeak." He said to Laserbeak. "How did this Soundwave guy handle Laserbeak?" He asked us. "He just did Ace." I said and replied back to Ace. Soon the doors opened to the throne room. We looked and we saw Shockwave. He walked in.

"It's a good thing you are here Ace. And also you princess and Lord Megatron. But I have some good news that will help Ace regain his memories." He said to all three of us. Ace looked at Shockwave. "Shockwave. What did you find?" My father said and asked Shockwave. "There's a device on a distant planet. And it will help Ace regain all his memories." He said and replied back to my father. I looked at my father. And I looked at Ace. Ace looked at me. Somehow I was thinking maybe he was starting to have feelings for me. "Father. May I be excused." I said and asked my father. "Hmm. Yes you may." My father said and replied back to me. I immediately got up and left the throne room. "Shockwave. Have more information about this planet. Because we are getting Ace's memories back." He said to Shockwave. Ace looked at Megatronus.

"Megatronus. I don't know if I want my memories back." He said and explained to Megatronus. Shockwave's antennae flickered from hearing him call their master Megatronus and saying he doesn't want his memories back. He looked at Ace. Megatron's eyes widened. "What. But Ace. You said yesterday that you wanted your memories back." He said and explained to Ace. "Yeah, I know. But then this Soundwave guy will come back. I don't want that. He's gone. I just want to be myself." He said and replied back to Megatronus. Megatron smiled. "Ace. Why don't we just try it? Because all you remember is when Cybertron was alive." He said to Ace. "Alive. Wait, our home planet is dead." He said and asked Megatronus. "Uh. Yes. It's dead. War consumed our planet." He said and replied back to Ace. "I see. Okay. I guess I will give it a try." He said to Megatronus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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