Ch-4 Claire got kidnapped

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Cid's POV

It's been a whole two years now since Johan became a student at Midgar Academy. He should start his third year in a few days.

Speaking of which, my sister Claire, has become of age to enter the school and train to become a dark knight. She sister also enrolled and was accepted. But when the day of her departure came...

She was nowhere to be found.

I was standing outside her room with both my parents inside and the maids and butlers trying their best to find clues as to what might have happened. Her things were thrown around and the bed was all messed up. It seems that she was kidnapped.

"What is the meaning of this?! Even attacking her in her sleep, how could they overpower Claire! That scoundrel must have been a professional fighter!" My father yelled. He seemed more surprised by the success of her kidnapping than the actual situation itself.

"Then we have to accept this ? Is that what you're saying ?" My mother approached him with a very scary smile on her face. She was radiating anger and frustration. I could feel it in the air.

My dad backed away from his wife in fear and began to stammer while trying to clear up what he just said.

"Uh, no! That's not what I meant–"

"Stop making excuses, bald man!" A large boom was heard as mom began to beat my dad up for being too casual about this.

"Take that and that and that and that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Go find out daughter dammit! What are we going to do if something happens to poor Claire!"

Me and Beta walked away from the scene, unbothered by the argument between my mom and dad. This is actually a lot more common than you think. And I wonder what kind of stupid bandits decided to kidnap Claire. And how did she even get caught in the first place ?


"Yes, Lord Shadow." The maid behind me returned to her normal form as a white haired, bespectacled elf named Beta.

Alpha had collected members for the Shadow Garden as if she were collecting abandoned kittens. So our numbers had grown significantly.

"Where's Alpha." I asked.

"Searching for clues to find miss Claire." Beta replied right away.

Eh ? Already ? Man, they sure work fast huh ? And she's always so serious too. Her acting skills are amazing!

"Is my sister still alive ?"

"Most likely, yes. As expected, the kidnapper belongs to the Cult of Diabolos. A high ranked official." We reached an isolated study room where I leaned against the window with my arms folded.

"Why did they take my sister ?"

"Be believe they suspect that Miss Claire is one of the heroes' descendants."

"I see."

I'm really impressed by their efforts of putting up such an act. It's brilliant. I guess even regular, weak bandits can become members of the cult when these girls are involved.

"Look at this map." She says while spreading out a map with many places circled red.

Don't tell me they have that many choices?! How am I ever going to find Claire if there's that many places to look?! Ugh! This is why Johan does the planning. He's the smart one! Not me! Johan is the one who comes up with all of the Shadow Gardens plans, I just implement them.

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