Mrs. Mamberli : The Vampire

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note:{ I am not writing an introduction part cause this has a very few permanent Characters who are yn and namjoon as detectives and Jung hoseok as a lawyer.}

Now namjoon and yn are in the hall room of their home. Yup! they are married.

Yn is siting on a single soft sponged sofa with a cushion on her lap,scrolling through her phone while namjoon is laying down on the couch watching phone too.

Yn is siting on a single soft sponged sofa with a cushion on her lap,scrolling through her phone while namjoon is laying down on the couch watching phone too

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suddenly, he spoke out making yn take a look at him.

Rm:"this media nowdays.." *sigh with an eye roll.*

YN:"what hpnd?"

RM:"take a look at this is this even a news?*turning phone to yn"

yn read.." a celebrity went to airport. "

yn:"this sho--"

she was cut off by the doorbell. Hermione, their domestic worker [the person who does house chores]came out of the kitchen wiping her hands in to her apron. She opened it. It was postman , Hermione bowed and took the letter and locked the door then she came to yn and handed her that letter. she was about to return to the kitchen when a voice made her stop she turned back it was no other than rm,

Rm:"hey what's for lunch , Hermione?"

Hermione:" It is sushi, ramen and salmon and for desert it is chocolate ice cream ."

RM:" then I am gonna eat 10kg ramen."

She chuckled.

next namjoon turned his gaze towards Yn who was totally devoted in reading that letter. After a few secs yn finished reading it she folded it into half and nodded one time and handed the letter to rm.


Bakery street
Seoul, South Korea

Subject: Vampire


Mam and sir, I am Mamberli. My full name is WALMORT MAMBERLI. I

have fallen in such a bad situation. My

wife Sara, has been behaving very weird

and suspicious. I am not in that mental

state that I can explain you the whole story

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