We stand right infront of his office. My feet were hurting like the b-word. I wanna cry.

"Ma'am, he's so angry right now, I don't know....what t-to do. Please go in"

What am I? why is she putting me in the lion's den??

She pushes me inside and shuts the door in my face when I tried to turn back. The room was dead silent, I stood facing the door. With my head leaning against it.

"I told you not to leave little girl" his voice came out, so dominating and so deep.

"But you did, you know what bad girls get?"

"I-I am sorry. Please. My feet, they...." I sniff my tears back, looking down at my bruised and swollen feet.

"What's wrong baby" his voice which was stern a few minutes back was now comforting with a hint of worry in it.

His strong veiny arms turn me around from the door. His tatted hands goes to grab my jaw tilting my head up ,

"They hurt" I point towards my feet, he looks down and frown. Nikolai makes a tsk' sound and then he gathers me in his arms walking to his desk.

He sits me on his chair and goes to kneel on the floor . Nikolai takes out my favourite cherry lotion from his pocket, aww, and rubs it on my ankles and massages it.

"My poor love , you're hurt baby? Aww. Shh no more crying. I'm here" he soothes me , continually rubbing my feet.

"No more wearing uncomfortable stuff yes? I don't want my baby to be in pain, Hmm"

I get down on my knees with him and wrap my body around him. I love this man so much.

"Pumpkin, I love you"

"Ah ha, I'm not forgetting what you've done, you're going to get punished for not listening to me, malyshka" he sits on his chair and leans back, spreading his thighs

I stayed where I was, not daring to move at all. Nikolai's knees were spread, he groaned throwing his head back and loosening his tie,

"You just don't listen, clover" He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking his glasses off as he settled them on the desk. Nikolai's next voice came out gruffly that left me terrified to the core, leaving thrilling shudders,

"Take off my belt, malyshka and fucking look at me when I'm talking  " I gulp down my saliva , he lets out a deep guttural growl, Nikolai squeezed my jaw drawing my attention to his intense smoldering gaze, deep gray skies meet my green land.

His gaze was enough to notify me that Nikolai was enraged. Like the skies and the oceans before a storm or a tsunami arrives. This should've left me shaking with fear, but here I am, with aching pain between my legs waiting for him to use me. I'm a maniac, do I have a death wish?

" I'm anything but that a stupid boy, yes. You don't defy me and get away with it." his lips thinned, a smirk coating his face as he said those words with a salivating vemon.

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