His heart softened when he cupped the face of her crying sister and the thing he noticed on her right cheek had his blood boiling in rage and agony. Brutal red marks of fingers were imprinted on her cheek.

His eyes were blazed as he spoke. "Who hurt you IU?" His voice was hard and cold. IU slightly bowed her head down as tears flowed out.

Jackson was the one who replied. "We've captured those bastards." He hissed as Min Young auntie came forward to take IU away.

Namjoon's red eyes met with Jungkook's as he nodded and both the men communicated through their eyes.

Patting IU's head he softly mumbled. "Don't worry kiddo. I'll make them pay." With that said he told Eunwoo and Jackson to stay in mansion with the family and increase the security. Even tho they were furious for revenge because no one dares to touch their sister but they silently obliged to stay behind for family's safety.

Uncle Seojoon warned everyone to keep the incident quiet and in no way this news must go out to IU's soon to be in-laws.

Junkook was driving as Namjoon was dictating the incident and with each passing second his rage was increasing.

It was Min young who saw a man whose face was covered in black took unconscious IU away from the back door into the van. Namjoon was coming back to the manison on his sports bike when he saw the van moving out of their mansion. When the van passed by him. His eyes landed on unconscious IU on the back seat. He abruptly turned around and followed the van. The van was fast but he was faster and in minutes he was in front of the car, shooting one of the tires with his gun. The van stumbled a bit but stopped to the side and the man ran out. Luckily Jackson and Eunwoo were chasing behind and Eunwoo was fast to catch the guy.

Jackson was shocked to see that man as he knew him all to well and in complete anger he started punching that man. "You fucking traitor!" Punch, as the man coughed out blood.

Namjoon took the unconscious IU in his arms as he gently placed her in Eunwoo's car and told Eunwoo to take her home.

Namjoon then took that traitor to the their rest house and informed Jackson to bring the rest.

Jungkook stopped the car with a screeching sound in front of the rest house.

And in minutes he was walking in as his men who were standing there bowed their head in respect and fear.

His blood boiled as he marched into the basement where they were kept.

Taehyung was aghast on the news of IU being kidnapped. Loud crying of Min Young auntie was heard as the boy felt to give his some assurance but all he felt was dread and hurt. Hurt for IU. How is she? Where is she?

"I saw that man slap my daughter when she was trying to get free. Min Young wailed loudly as seo ye ji and Uncle Seo joon tried to console her, with soothing words. Tae can feel despair in uncle Seo joon's voice.

All of a sudden he felt a harsh grip on his arm and someone yanked him away from the scene before the boy could speak up the person hissed at his face. "Common you ugly shit. We must leave." It was his aunt.

"But Aun-ty I-IU- we should stay." He blurted wanting to stay and praying inwardly to lord for a miracle to happen and send IU back home and it was like his prayers were answered when the main door flew open.

Taehyung held his breath when gasps were heard. His aunt beside him cursed and left his arm and walked more like ran away.

A shrill voice of Min Young had Tae tensing. "Oh my God! IU- my baby." Min Young yelled, her voice full of disbelief.

Taehyung's ear perked up when he heard the small whimper of IU. He whispered as his eyes got teary in thanking his lord. And he unconsciously moved a bit out of the kitchen. When someone's screaming was heard.

It was his aunt and someone is dragging her and all of a sudden her voice got muffled but before he could understand a harsh grip on his mouth had his heart lurching to his throat. It was so sudden and sneaky that he inhaled a large gulp of air and the anesthetic had his mind drifting into the very known darkness.

The boy stirred a bit as he opened his eyes slowly and felt extremely cold and hard floor beneath him. Wincing he hissed when all the happenings racked his mind like a volcano and his heart fell to the pits of his stomach.

Someone drugged him and now he's on the floor. Immediately his hand raised to himsef to check his clothes.Slowly with teary eyes he stood up and gulped.

God knows from how long he's here. How desperately he wanted to know it is either day or night.

He wants to know what is happening. Controlling his tears. "Au-nty" He spoke in a raspy croaked voice and his throat felt like burning, He could still smell the drug on him. Pin drop silence not a single voice could be heard.

Shuddering he felt excruciatingly afraid. "Please help me." A mere sound escaped his lips. After standing on the same spot for a minute he with a lot of courage made up his mind to know his surroundings. Maybe he could find a door and can escape but he highly doubt it won't be locked.

Spreading his arms in the front he took a step ahead. He realized one of his shoes was missing. Maybe it was left in the mansion just by thinking of it tears fell from his eyes as he removed the other slipper shoe as well.

How is it possible that someone drugged him inside the mansion just after the arrival of IU and no body even saw it. A sob escaped his lips when he recalled he didn't even met his friend.

The floor was cold and dirty. A pungent smell was in the air.

The first thing he came in contact was a door. Taehyung slowly fumbled with the knob and it was locked. Crying he knocked on the door. "Please open the door! Anyone there! Open the door!"

No response. He kept on yelling and banging on the door for how long and no body opened the door.

His throat was extremely parched and his palms were stinging, with heavy breathing and teary eyes he slowly slumped on the floor with his back slowly moving down, he hold his knees to his chest and cried.

And unknowingly he dozed off.

The boy screamed awake as cold water was sharply thrown at him. Gasping the boy backed up staring ahead with wide eyes desperately trying to see but only ended up hearing large footsteps coming closer.

His heart almost stopped beating when he heard the most deep, authoritative cold voice that sends chills down his spine as his head shot up from where the voice was coming. His heart almost stopped at his words.

"Wake up princess!!"

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