49 - progress

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(12:32pm - maddie's pov)
i hated this.
i was sitting in my principals office yet again. the last time i was in here was when i got suspended. bad memories.
"it's very nice to see you again, maddie" he greeted me.
pfffttt you think i'm gonna say the same about you?
i forced a smile, my leg bouncing like crazy.
"so, the reason i called your mom to bring you here today is so we can work together to figure out a suitable schedule for you that will get you back into school. because obviously you need to attend school, it's the law"
whole lotta bullshit.
"i know" i said, nodding. he slowly nodded too.
"alright" he began "well, let's begin. so, obviously you need to come in for the main subjects, which is math, science and english, because those are the three that contribute the most towards your end of year grade. do you understand?"
me and my mom nodded.
why did the most important ones have to be the ones i'm so shit at.

(25 mins later)
it was nearing the end of the meeting now. mr roberts had just gone through some things i can do if school gets too overwhelming for me, he referred me to a school counsellor and gave me a time out card which i was able to use if i needed a break from a lesson. i already knew i was gonna be using that damn card all the time.
"okay, this is perfect, maddie. you have really helped me out today by coming in, thank you so much!" he smiled.
"it's ok" i replied, smiling slightly.
"well, if you have no further questions, you guys can be on your way. i'll see you on monday, maddie."
me and my mom stood up, and i was practically about to sprint out, when i remembered.
he looked back at me.
"um.. is there a way you can add art to my timetable? i- i just really enjoy it and-"
"of course, maddie. that's no problem at all. i'll let mr jackson know." he smiled.
now i felt a lot better
"thank you, sir! have a great day!"

(that night, at home)
i had been feeling pretty great the whole day, and i felt surprisingly relaxed too. mr roberts was way more understanding than i thought. i always thought he was one of those teachers who didn't give a fuck about students or their mental health, but i guess that's only because the only times i ever really saw him in school was when he was shouting at other students for messing around, or when he suspended me obviously. but he was actually very understanding, and i think that eased a lot of my worries. is it weird that i felt kind of excited for monday? to go back to school? it's friday now, monday is in like three days. but the only reason i was excited was because i had art on monday. it's not like i even had any friends in school to hang out with, but i had mr jackson. and my phone, for when i can lock myself in the cubicles at lunch or break because i don't wanna look like a loner outside.
my brothers had gone out for the night and weren't gonna be back until well after midnight, i don't exactly remember where they'd gone, but i was too tired to care. i felt pretty satisfied with myself over the past few days, and the progress i had make in taking care of myself. genuinely, i never thought i would see this light at the end of the tunnel.

knock knock

"come in" i replied, looking up from my phone.
my mom came in.
"goodnight, sweetheart. i'm going to bed now" she smiled, coming over to me.
"goodnight mommy, i love you so much" i said, as she kissed my forehead. "thank you for taking me today. to school."
"don't be silly. hey, we're making progress, aren't we now?" she chuckled, as i laughed too. "and i'm proud of you. don't go to bed too late, maddie"
"i wont, mom. love you."
"i love you too" she smiled, giving a small wave before gently closing my door. i brought trevor closer to me, hugging him. his arm had pretty much healed and he was getting his cast removed soon. what a brave boy.
overall, this day had been good. but it was about to get better.
i whipped my ipad out in a flash, and headed onto facetime to call a special someone.

ring ring ring
ring ring r-

"MADDIE!!!!" macy screamed from the other end.
"MACYYYY!!" i shouted back, careful not to startle my parents and trevor. "this day just got fifty times better"
she laughed, then asked "how was mr roberts?"
"ehh. definitely wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. i'm going to go into school on monday, and am aiming to stay for the whole week. i don't know if that's a bit spontaneous though" i chuckled. she beamed a warm smile at me.
"honestly, just you going in to even speak to him is a huge achievement. and you going in on monday or even having the motivation to is one step closer to your goal."
"what's my goal?" i smirked. there was an awkward silence, before we both burst out laughing.
"i don't know, man. i'm just trying to sound motivational."
i started laughing even more.
"well, thank you. i appreciate it." i smiled. "how's your school life been?"
she exhaled deeply, falling back into her pillows, making me laugh again.
"i just don't want to talk about it, maddie. i really just don't want to talk about it." she exclaimed, shaking her head. i nodded.
"so it w-"
"it was SO bad. i haven't been going to half my lessons- but you see, my parents- they- they FORCE me to go into school- like- not force.. but they won't let me stay home because i'll make a bad impression- but- but i don't give a FUCK about impressions because i know that as soon as i can, i'm flying the fuck back to boston because NEBRASKA CAN SUCK MY DICK."
i started cackling in laughter, as she tried to suppress her laughter. poor kid.
"do your school let you get away with skipping class?"
she shook her head rapidly.
"no. i've gotten so many detentions this past week. my parents are pissed."
"shit, dude. that sucks." i said. "but doesn't everything when you're in fucking nebraska."
she slapped her screen.
we both shared our laughter, and continued to talk about how bad macy's school was. it was beginning to get pretty late, so we both decided to go to bed, but we made a promise that from now on, if one of us couldn't sleep, we would have full rights to spam message or call the other until they wake up, so we could message for a bit longer.

macy yawned.
"goodnight, maddie. i love you"
"night macy. i love you more"
she flashed me a mischievous grin.
"you hang up first" she joked
"no, you"
"no YOU-"
i hung up, laughing to myself.


you lil dick
u told me i could hang up first😘😘

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now