3 - lunch

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it's around 1pm, and me and sophie are having lunch together in the cafeteria. today has surprisingly been an okay day so far. i've met some new people who have been really nice to me, so far no one else has mentioned my brothers..
i had chemistry, history, phys ed and spanish. my teachers all seem pretty laid back as well. later on i was supposed to have maths, then english, then my brothers would be picking me up. i was so excited to tell them what a good day i had!!
"it's so sad we don't have any of our other lessons together" sophie frowned, biting into her burger.
"i know right" i replied, chewing my food. "it sucks"
"excuse me?"
i looked to my left, and saw three girls trying to talk to me. my heart skipped a beat. they startled me. who were they and what did they want?
"are you the sturniolo triplets sister?" one of them asked.
"oh, yeah i am. how did you kno-"
"oh my fucking god, no way!!" the other one practically squealed, ignoring my question.
i looked at sophie, uncomfortable, as they continued to fangirl around me
"can you tell chris to follow me back on insta? this is my instagram" the girl exclaimed, waving her phone right in my face, not even giving me a chance to look at her @. i wasn't gonna tell chris to follow her anyways lmaoo
"hey, go away, leave her alone. we're trying to eat our lunch" sophie shouted, standing up and walking up to them. they looked at her, then laughed, and left. sophie sat back down and continued to eat her burger, acting as if nothing just happened.
"how did you do that?" i muttered
"do what?" she asked, wiping extra ketchup off her face
"how did you.. talk to them so easily? and tell them to go away?"
sophie chuckled
"maddie, you need to listen to me" she began, looking at me in the eyes "if someone is bothering you, you tell them what you're thinking. i could tell you were thinking the whole time 'can they just leave me alone.' so i did it for you"
i exhaled deeply, drinking from my water bottle
"man sophie, i wish i had your confidence" i said. she laughed again.
"you will someday" she smiled. lunch was almost over, it ended at 1:30.
"hey, you wanna come to mine after school? my brothers are picking me up" i offered, completely out of the blue
"oh, i'm so sorry, i got cheer tryouts after school for the school cheer team".
i raised an eyebrow at her
"you're trying out for the cheer team? since when was that even your thing?" i asked, stunned
"since now." she smirked. "new school, new me."
HOW THE FUCK WAS SHE NOT SCARED TO JOIN THAT CHEER TEAM. from what my brothers had told me, every girl on that cheer team was a total bitch. i hope sophie knew what she was signing up for.
"good luck i guess" i replied. it didn't matter anyways. as much as i wanted sophie to come to my house to hang, i needed to practice the electric guitar.
i was very good at electric guitar, i had been playing it since the beginning of middle school. i got inspired by chris. he used to play the guitar, acoustic though. he was so good. when i was younger, i used to sit in his room whilst he played some tunes to me. he knew how much i loved listening to it. i'm not really sure why he quit. i wouldve played acoustic, but i felt like i would enjoy playing electric guitar more. i hadn't practiced in ages, but i was starting lessons at school again this week so i figured it would be a good idea to get familiar with it again.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now