7 - break

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it was now break. i walked out of the art classroom, and down the hall to meet sophie outside her maths class, as we had agreed earlier on.
art was so much fun. we literally just painted images of the flowers in the classroom, which were super pretty. my art teacher, mr jackson, had complimented my work and shown it to the whole class. everyone was telling me how good my art work was, and how talented i was. i felt so happy that everyone was being so nice to me. if i had to pick a favourite class, it would definitely be this art class. we have none of the popular girls, everyone here focuses on their work and plus, mr jackson is so fucking cool. i felt so safe in this class, but i was so mad now because my next art lesson wasn't until thursday. 3 whole days away.
i peered into sophie's maths classroom, but no one was there. not even the teacher.
huh? did i get the right classroom?
sophie told me room 15. this was room 15.
did she not wait for me?
oh, it's ok. maybe she had somewhere important to go.
i walked down the hall, slightly confused, and put my art book in my locker. i went on my phone, checking what was next on my timetable, and i was taken aback to see i had 5 missed calls from nick and about a fucking million messages from him and matt.


nickkkk<33: MADDIE
nickkkk<33: Maddie you forgot to fucking turn the tap off in the upstairs bathroom
nickkkk<33: The whole fucking bathroom is like.. flooded...

matt❤️❤️❤️: Yeah kid it had been running for like 3 hours

nickkkk<33: This is so bad
nickkkk<33: The floor is soaked me and Matt need to clean this up before mom gets home in like half an hour

matt❤️❤️❤️: And all of the stuff on the bathroom sink are covered in water
matt❤️❤️❤️: You're lucky you're in school right now because otherwise we would be making you clean this up with us

nickkkk<33: And ur lucky we're not telling mom.
nickkkk<33: But we ain't picking you up after school today sweetie.

You: no pls pick me up after school how tf am I supposed to get home??

matt❤️❤️❤️: Kid you can walk it takes less than 15 mins

You: actually fuck u guys

nickkkk<33: Wow not even a thank you for not telling mom?

You: thank you then. 😐

"hey maddie!"
i turned around, and sophie was standing there with like five other girls. i hadn't met these girls, but either chloe or anna from homeroom were with her. they were all smiling at me, but it was a weird kind of smile.
"hi" i replied, smiling "i couldn't find you anywhere-"
"oh yeah, i'm so sorry i completely forgot we were meeting! i want to introduce you to my cheer friends- this is hannah-"
hannah had blonde hair and was wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants
"this is anna-"
oh ANNA was her name.
she had short brown hair in a messy bun, bright blue eyes and fake eyelashes on.
"that's emerald-"
emerald. what a name. and she looked like a pick me girl from what i could tell.
emerald had braided hair, chocolate brown eyes and was wearing a green hoodie and jeans.
"and that's ava and claire."
ava had very long blonde hair and was extremely skinny. claire looked quite similar to ava but the brunette version.
"nice to meet you guys" i replied
"is it true you're the sturniolo triplets sister?" claire blurted out. not this again.
they all laughed in a playful way. even sophie began to laugh, even though she knew how much i hated being known as 'the triplets sister'.
"claire, cut it out. yes she is" sophie smiled.
i didnt even get to answer the question for myself. oh well, i guess sophie was just trying to be nice.
"we're gonna head out to the basketball courts to watch the boys play" sophie grimaced, as the other girls were giggling in the background "wanna come?"
sophie wanting to be around boys?? sophie hates boys. she always moans to me about how annoying they are and how much they piss her off.
"um.. yeah sure, i'll come with" i said, forcing a smile. i felt my palms begin to sweat
"yayyy!! okay, let's go guys" sophie said, as they all hurried down the corridor. i quietly tagged along, feeling extremely out of place. i felt so embarrassed.

we arrived at the basketball courts, as we all sat down watching the boys play. my leg was bouncing. i wish i never fucking tagged along in the first place. none of the girls were even talking to me, not even sophie. and the sun was blazing down onto my head, making me almost start sweating,
"how was your summer, maddie?" hannah asked me, smiling.
"it was good thanks, how was yours?" i replied, hesitatingly.
"it was good as well, thanks" she began "me and my family went down to new jersey, because my cousins live there. also we had a cheer comp there in july"
"that's so cool. i've never been to new jersey before. is it nice?"
hannah nodded, drinking from her water bottle
"yeah, it was great. it wasn't like boiling hot, but the temperature was good. did you travel anywhere?"
"um, yeah, me and my family went to LA in like july, then i just stayed here for the rest of the summer"
"oh my god! i love LA!! you're so lucky" she gasped. i smiled.
"yeah, LA is really nice" i smiled "hey, whats your-"
i got cut off by one of the boys approaching our group. he said "hey do you guys wanna play against us. we're gonna absolutely fucking smash y'all"-
all of the girls started squealing, shouting things at the boys, all scrambling to their feet and trying to get the ball out of the boys hands, as they all ran up and down the court. i just stared at them, lost for words.
i was in the middle of a conversation with that hannah girl, then she just left? like at least ask me if i want to join you or say goodbye??
i looked at sophie, who was jumping around and laughing with the other girls, as she managed to successfully tackle the ball off one of the boys, making all of the other girls cheer and hug her. i felt a sudden sick feeling in my stomach. i didn't know what it was..
i wasnt.. jealous? was i? nah. all i know is that i'm happy for sophie. she's new to all of this cheerleading stuff and she's having a good time.
i decided it was about time i made some more friends as well, but it was nearing the end of break now, so i got up and headed to my next period, which was english.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat