57 - all over again

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(maddie's pov - a week later, 3:45pm)
the week hadn't got any better. the bullying had gotten even worse in school, yet i was still going in. they had been throwing things at me in class and then playing dumb when i turned around to look at them, they had been talking shit about me whenever i passed by them, and in athletics we were doing volleyball and annabelle threw the ball directly at my face and i had a nosebleed. great.
but i couldn't give up on my progress now. i'm doing so well, i haven't missed a school day this whole half of the semester! and i know that me and matt had a whole talk about it being okay for me to stay home for one day, but i just cant do it. because then i'll end up staying home the whole week. it's better to just be in school and deal with those motherfuckers because it's gonna be summer anyways soon, then i wont have to see them for two whole months.
and i still hadn't told anyone in my family about the bullying. no fucking way.
macy was doing even worse too. there had been an accident with her brother and her parents had been in the hospital with him for the whole week, leaving macy all alone at home by herself.
i wish i could give her the biggest hug right now. i know she needs one, and i think i do too.
to add on to my little rant, i'd also caught a cold a few days ago from i don't know what. it's been quite cold recently and i had to sit in the rain waiting for matt to pick me up from school after school closed for the day and i had no shelter. maybe that was how i caught my cold.
but it was now around 3:45pm, and i was sick as shit. i didn't take my temperature, but i could tell i was burning up, and my throat was so sore and the whole night i couldn't stop sneezing. plus, i looked super pale.
knock knock
there was a knock on my bedroom door. again.
"come in" i said.
the door opened, revealing nick, matt and chris, who looked like they had just done something bad and were in trouble.
"we need to talk to you." chris said, with a sense of urgency.
"can it wait? i'm tired." i said, barely being able to talk as my throat was pretty much dying.
"no, maddie. it cant. it's urgent." nick said, as they all entered my room and made themselves comfortable. i looked at matt, nervous, and instead of giving me a reassuring smile, he just continued to look guilty, before sitting on the edge of my bed.
my eyes kept darting between all three of them, wanting answers to what they were about to tell me, until nick suddenly broke the silence.
"we're going back to LA. next week."

(5 minutes later)
"i cant believe you guys would do this. knowing how much i'm struggling right now with everything." i exclaimed, sobbing into a tissue that matt had given me, as he rubbed my shoulder. but i didn't want any comfort from him right now. i didn't want any comfort from any of them right now. i wanted them out my room, if they were gonna leave me after everything they might as well just get it over with.
"we know, maddie. trust me, we really don't want to be doing this-" nick said with a tone of remorse, before i interrupted him.
"well why are you doing it then? there's no rule saying you have to go back to LA. c-can't you just give me like two more months? i'll be better by then-"
"maddie, our whole job is based in LA. we would love to stay here for a bit longer but we can't. we'll be back in like.. a month at least. and we will call you every day. like old times" chris said, weakly smiling, in an attempt to calm me down but nothing was working. matts hand never stopped rubbing my back, and i could tell he felt super bad. i knew all of them did, but matt did the most.
"sweetheart we aren't doing this because we don't love you, or don't want to be with you. we want to be with you all the time, you're the most important girl in our lives and we love you so fucking much." matt began, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ears. "it's just so hard for us to do work properly for youtube because our whole management team is in LA, we are pretty much based there."
i shook my head, the tears continuously falling from my eyes and onto the blanket i had on my knees.
"get out." i said, not lifting my head up. "all of you. just get out- just leave me alone. i don't want to be with you right now."
they all looked at each other, in shock.
"maddie.." nick muttered, surprised.
"no. what's the point if you're just gonna leave me. you know what, you guys are FAKE. you're just like sophie. everyone always fucking leaves me by myself. i wont even be surprised if macy is next." i sniffed, feeling so much anger towards everything and everyone right now. i expected them to say something back, defending themselves, but nothing.
"just get out." i repeated, for a final time. there was a brief silence, before they all began to get up and leave, gently closing my door again.
and suddenly, i realised i was going to be all by myself. all over again.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now