35 - revenge

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(matt's pov)
me and chris had just left the hospital building. i noticed chris seemed way more energetic than he was a few moments ago, but he looked very angry, and he was messaging someone.
"i'm so angry matt" he muttered, typing ferociously on his phone.
"woah, hey, who are you texting??" i asked, stopping him. he continued to type. "chris, what are you doing?? what's got into you?? you were exhausted a second ago"
"i fucking hate sophie. she almost murdered our sister!!! like what the fuck?? someone needs to teach her a lesson-"
"chris, don't you DARE send anything to her, that's not for us to do, and you'll make this fifty times worse. maddie wont want you to do that"
he was shaking his head, continuing to type. i snatched the phone out of his hand so that he wouldn't do anything stupid.
"matt. give me my phone back" he demanded, trying to grab it off of me.
"no chris" i responded, holding it away from him. i read what he was about to send, and let's just say it wasn't very nice. "chris you can't send this to her. you can't."
"why not, matt. why not." he begun. "i'm fucking pissed right now, she doesn't get to hurt our sister and get away with it"
"and she wont get away with it. the cops will be here soon." i responded, trying not to raise my voice. "and i know you're angry, but sending that message isn't going to fix this."
he didn't say anything. he just stared at the floor. his eyes were beginning to droop again.
"come on, chris. look at you, you're exhausted."
"i'm not." he groaned.
"yes you are chris" i said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder as we began to head to the car "you can sleep in the car. it'll be alright."

we got to the car. chris sat in the passenger seat and i began to drive. i kept looking over at chris whilst driving and he was asleep. the drive was only like 15 minutes but when we got home, i stayed in the car with him for half an hour more because i didn't want to disturb him from his sleep.

my siblings were all a mess right now, and i was going to take care of them.

(maddie's pov - 10:58pm)
it had been a long ass day for me. the cops had come shortly after matt and chris left to ask me about what happened. i had told them everything, and they had made me a promise that this would be dealt with properly and sophie would get punished. the thought of sophie being punished did bring a smile to my face and gave me some hope. i had messaged sophie as well earlier.


You: you are crazy you know that right??
You: trying to kill me by poisoning me.
You: you really are jealous of me
You: get some help please. you've got issues. you're gonna get karma VERY soon for this and i hope you rot in jail for the rest of your life you bitch

sophie: hmmm
sophie: how did you figure it out?

You: because i spent the whole day throwing up
You: the hospital found carbon tetrachloride in my bloodstream
You: so my guesses are you poisoned my cupcake like the psychotic freak you are

sophie: alr fine
sophie: u got me there

You: wtf do u mean "u got me there"???
You: you're CRAZY
You: i'm blocking you now

sophie: "crazy"💀💀
sophie: not if i block you firstttttt😛😛

You can no longer send messages to this recipient.

and that was basically how that had gone. i had gotten even more angry now. but i was just thankful to still be alive. jeez, i never thought i would actually be saying that.

the hospital room was dark, but the light was shining through my window from the hallway, so i could see what was happening in the room.
on my left, my dad was asleep in the chair, then to my right was nick, completely passed out in another chair. i was tired too, i should probably be getting some sleep, but i couldn't. my mind was racing still. i missed my mom, and chris and matt. i didn't know why i was getting so emotional now. this always happened at night.
i wondered what they were up to at home..
i had messaged macy for like an hour earlier, then she went to bed because obviously she has school tomorrow. i didn't even wanna think about school right now, i just wanted to focus on getting better for now and seeing sophie get dealt with. the thought of that made me feel better.
i decided to message matt. i remembered him saying i could, because if i was honest i just felt upset.


You: hey
You: r u still up?

i waited

matt❤️❤️: Hey yes I am
matt❤️❤️: What's up? U ok?

You: yeah yeah i'm fine
You: i just miss you guys

matt❤️❤️: Awwww we miss you too
matt❤️❤️: How are you feeling?

You: better, i think i'm definitely done with throwing up now

matt❤️❤️: 😂😂let's hope so

You: i'm just feeling kind of emotional rn idk why
You: it's just so much has happened recently
You: i'm still processing it
You: and i keep thinking like why does it have to happen to me
You: like what did i do wrong.

matt❤️❤️: Bubba it's completely normal for you to feel like that. What you've gone through recently is horrible, of course you don't deserve for this to happen to you. You're allowed to be sad because of it, don't compress those emotions because eventually it will all come out when you don't want it to, and it wouldn't be healthy.
matt❤️❤️: This isn't your fault at all. I know it seems like fucking shit right now because of everything that's happened to you, but it is never ever ever in a million fucking years your fault. You haven't done anything wrong, all you've done is be the kindest most pure heartest soul in the world. The problem is that other people aren't, and they're jealous of you, so they decide to take it out on you to feel better about themselves, meaning they're shit people. Especially Sophie. What a bitch
matt❤️❤️: But I just want you to know everything is going to be OKAY
matt❤️❤️: It will be, and in the mean time, we've gotchu

You: matt stop ur making me cry😭😭😭😭

it's true, tears were falling from my eyes but not because i was sad, just because i was great full to have my family again.

matt❤️❤️: I love you more than you'll ever know
matt❤️❤️: We'll talk tomorrow, we will all come to the hospital tomorrow morning to bring y'all home
matt❤️❤️: Get some sleep now, it's been a tiring day for you ❤️❤️

You: goodnight matty i love you so much idk what i would do without you. you mean so much to me❤️❤️❤️

matt❤️❤️: I love u more, gn baby sis❤️❤️❤️
matt❤️❤️: Ur my best friend for life

and then i fell asleep, with the comfort of knowing that i was surrounded by people who lifted me up instead of bringing me down, and for the people that did bring me down, karma would come back to them.

i couldn't wait to see sophie's face when it hits her. i couldn't wait for revenge.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now