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A.N. Welcome to the second, and likely last, bonus chapter for COTS . For context, this is set after chapter T̵̢̪͈̥̽̕W̴̧͇͉̗͓̏͛͒͝È̴̛̛̛̫̪̏̈́Ṋ̴̛̗̤̃T̷̝͔̰̾̈̋̍͌̍Y̴̻͔̯͇̲͌͆̚ Enjoy!

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"The two of you stay right here," Vixen told, knelt in front of Luca and Jessie. "I'll come back out for you two in a minute, okay?" The two nodded, and watched as she stood up straight again. Carley gestured towards the hospital room, giving her a nod. Jessie and BB saw her go into the room behind them, leaving the kids on their own—sitting on the chairs in the hall. Carley turned her attention to them.

"Hey, you two," She began, taking a seat in the third, unoccupied chair beside Jessie. "Has your mom said who you're here to visit?" Both kids nodded, with BB answering, "... She has." The nurse smiled. "Are you excited, maybe?" She wondered. BB and Jessie exchanged unsure looks. "We ain't sure..." Jessie confessed. Carley gently patted the young fox's shoulder. "That's totally okay. This is a bit of a weird situation, really." She said.

Carley's exchange with the two was cut short, when her pager sounded from the pocket of her scrub. "Well, have a nice visit. I've got other patients to check on." BB and Jessie watched Carley stand from her seat, and leaving down the hallway. With her now gone, there was a bit more silence. From the other room, they could hear Vixen's quiet exchange with their uncle, though couldn't exactly make out what was being said.

"... Luca?" Jessie began. BB saw that she was sitting on top of her hands, and she was swinging her legs beneath her chair. "Do ye think it's normal to feel... sorta shaky?" She asked him. Luca shrugged. "Probably." He answered honestly. Jessie quietly mouthed an 'oh', turning her gaze back down to the floor.

Another few seconds of silence passed, before, "Do ye think it's actually Uncle Fred?" Jessie wondered. BB raised a brow. "Just... what if it's an imposter pretendin' to be him?" She suggested. Luca blinked. "I don't... think so, Jessie." He replied. "Vixen and Toy would know if it wasn't Uncle Fred." Jessie hummed. "Aye... I guess so."

Vixen stepped back out into the hallway, seeing that the two had stayed put like she'd asked. "Alright," She said, garnering their attention. "You two can come, now." The kids got off their chair, and followed after Vixen into the hospital room. They walked with slight hesitance, as they both tried to truly register what was happening in the moment.

Just a few months ago, they and the rest of their family and friends had been at a funeral. A funeral held in Fredrick's memory. And now, Vixen had brought them to the hospital to visit him. She'd explained to the four twins how Bon and Fred had been rescued a couple days ago from their abductors, and had given the very short version of how those criminals had faked Fred's death. It didn't make complete sense to them at the moment, but it didn't even seem to make much sense to Vixen, either. And while they were happy their uncle wasn't dead, it was still strange.

From his hospital bed, Fred turned towards the two, seeing as they entered the room. He gave them a warm smile. "Hello," BB and Jessie's eyes had slowly widened a little. Jessie's earlier comment about him possibly being an imposter of Fred was quickly forgotten when the two of them saw him. "It's so wonderful to see you again!"

Jessie did seem apprehensive of going over to the bear. She was still very confused, and unsure how to act, in a way. Vixen put a supportive hand on her daughter's shoulder, as Jessie simply stood with her mom. Luca, however, excitedly went over to Fred. He hopped onto the edge of the bed, and gave the bear a hug. Fred more than gladly reciprocated.

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