Chapter 8

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Gemini POV

I arrived home pretty late and I was really tired. All I wanted to do was go to bed, I didn't even want to eat but I had to because I had nothing in my stomach. So I heated up some chicken leftovers with some fries and ate it up pretty quickly. I took a quick shower and was about to go to bed but I remembered to put my phone in charge. I took it and found 4 missed calls from Fourth. I hesitated at first but I thought that maybe he was in danger if he called me that much so I decided to call him back. As I was about to call him, he calls me again so I pick up

"Hello" he said

"Hi, what's up??" I said trying to sound uninterested

"Who the fuck was that guy??" He asked coldly

"Who are you talking about??" I said a bit confused

"Gemini don't fucking play with me, I saw both of you hugging today after work. Who is he??" He asked angry

I suddenly realized that he was talking about Jeff, since he's the only one that I met after work

"Oh why should I tell you? I don't know owe you anything the last time I remember" I said getting frustrated


I was so shocked, I couldn't understand why he was suddenly screaming like that and getting angry when he had absolutely no right when he put me through some much hurt.

"Fourth, like I said, you have absolutely no right to know. I don't owe you anything, you were the one that chose your girlfriend instead of best friend, the one that you kept calming your soulmate. you chose her over me, you were always there for you. so don't you there getting angry when i'm just trying to find somebody else that is going to treat me properly, like a true fucking friend. something that you couldn't do" I said frustrated and with tears in my eyes. He suddenly calmed down when I said that

"I.. Gem lo-" He started but I stopped him

"No, I'm done with you. Goodnight Fourth" I said and hang up

I started crying out of frustration because he does have some audacity. After ignoring me and leaving me alone in all our hangouts, he came here with his stupid jealousy and screamed. Who does he think he is? huh. Thinking about it I should be happy, I should be excited and getting butterflies in my stomach because his jealousy kind of shows that he cares about me, but I can't. The old would have but the present can't help but feel disappointed. I was already tired and he came and took the little energy that I had left. I lay down on my bed and started crying myself to sleep. Here I am again crying because of him, it's like the cycle won't ever end. Pretty pathetic right, I think so too.

Author's POV

Gem thought that Fourth had the audacity to get mad at him, despite his own actions. In response, Gem decided to get closer to Jeff, a new acquaintance, and introduced him to the rest of their group. He observed how Fourth's irritation grew as he witnessed the budding closeness between Gem and Jeff. Though Gem felt a twinge of remorse for involving Jeff in their complicated dynamic, he couldn't resist using him to provoke Fourth and make him feel uneasy.

One day, as Gem purposely engaged in conversation with the others, he noticed Fourth abruptly getting up in anger and storming off. Gem simply ignored him, continuing to chat with the group as if Fourth's absence meant nothing. It was a calculated move to exacerbate Fourth's frustration and make him realize the consequences of their strained relationship.

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