Chapter [24]

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Amity POV

‘shit, shit, shit, shit!’ I can’t believe that just happened. We were just practicing our lines and we got to the scene and I just went for it. I mean it didn’t really mean anything did it? But like what if it did?  My face was heating up as my lips maintained a phantom like feeling of hers on my mine. We were currently watching a movie in the living room as Gabriel continued to play with his dolls. I wasn’t really watching the movie to be honest, my eyes were fixated on something other than the screen. “is there something wrong”  Luz asked turning to face me as my face went red. “No! Of course not- I mean uh why would there be?” I asked panicking a bit awkwardly getting my answer out, causing her to look at me in confusion.

“You just weren’t really saying anything, we can watch a different movie if you want.” She offered but I quickly shook my head “what no I love-“ I quickly turned to the screen that was displaying the film. “turning red?” I said but it came out as more of a question, Luz just laughed and turned off the tv. “Okay so you definitely weren’t watching the movie.” She stated with that adorable smile I’ve become obsessed with. “You alright blight?” She asked making me laugh at her Obviously intentional rhyme. “Yeah I’m fine Luz” I replied, “Okay then” she responded before scooting a little closer. It was only a few inches but her arm started to press against mine as she turned to me again “so what do you want to do now.

‘Kiss you, lay my head on your shoulder, hug you, love you.’

“Video games?” I asked with a shrug and the Collector let out a cheer in response. “Looks like the kid agrees” Luz replied with chuckle. “Do you know if they keep any games here?” Luz asked Gabriel who nodded their head excitedly in response. “Let’s play mario cart” he exclaimed with a smile as he pulled up the Nintendo on the TV. Me and Luz were sitting shoulder to shoulder on the couch intensely watching the screen while The Collector was sitting on the floor in front of us.

Every now and then we’d let him win one to see his face light up in pride but over all we were just having a fun time. So much so intact that we completely missed Eda come in from behind us. “Hey! You guys better have at least one cushion between you two at all times!” She exclaimed causing both me and Luz to jump as we whipped our heads over to the two figures in the doorway. “See! What I say? Unholy deeds” Eda said to the person next to her catching our attention, however they just rolled their eyes in response. “Do you remember what you were doing at their age?” Raine asked Eda In a mischievous manner “oh Shut up Rainstorm and help me show these kids how to really play.” Eda said as she grabbed two more remotes and jumped on to the couch next to us.

One Week In L.A (Celebrity AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin