Chapter [17]

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It's been 2 months since my time in L.A and I'm not sure what to do with my life. I know I want to go to film school, but I don't know where I want to go after that. So, I decided to take a gap year to figure myself out. "How long are you going to stay here" Hunter asked as he walked through the front door startling me. He started renting out his apartment about a month ago, feeling that he was ready to take on life alone. But he forgot it was a bad idea to give me a spare key. I looked up from the phone I was previously scrolling through, to look towards my brother. "I don't know, a week, a month, maybe even forever" I said messing with Hunter, causing him to shoot me a glare. The apartment was small and only had one bedroom, but I didn't mind sleeping on the couch. It was spacious and decorated like a teenage boy's bedroom with band posters and fairy lights. And two large bookshelves bordering the flat screen in the living room.

"Oh, don't be a grouch" I said teasingly as my phone started to buzz. At first, I assumed it was the group chat but when I noticed Hunter's notifications were not going off, I realized someone must have been calling me. I opened my phone expecting to see my mom or Vee or even Amity calling me, but instead it was an unsaved number. I hesitantly answered my phone not recognizing the number from anywhere. "Hello" I answered partially expecting it to be a spam call "is this Luz Noceda" a masculine voice answered sounding very annoyed "yes" I replied in a calm tone. "Congratulations, you will be playing Jordan in the new series" he said sarcastically but I was too stunned to notice. "Wait really" I asked needing conformation "yes, we will fly you out to L.A at the end of the week" the man said still very annoyed "I will send you the details by the end of the day" he added and then he hung up, leaving me too shocked to speak.

I turned to Hunter with a grin so big it hurt and launched at him tackling the man in a hug. "I did it Hunter, I did it!!" I exclaimed, still hugging my brother, before I quickly let go. "I have to tell the others, and Eda, and mom, and Vee, and Rain" I said quickly as I took out my phone unable to contain my energy. "Woah sis, slow down, no one's going anywhere. So, explain to me what you did exactly" Hunter stated, and I took a breath to calm down. "I'm going to be playing Jordan" I said trying to explain my excitement. "NO WAY!! I'm so proud of you little sis" Hunter said with a smile patting his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't wait to tell the group chat" I said excitedly scrolling through my phone for the group chat. I opened the messages to see the chaos that ensued while I was offline.

Viney: Wait you seriously think giraffes are evil

Edric: Why would you ever trust something with such a long neck

Jerbo: He does have a point

Gus: Fear not boys, I shall reestablish contact with the dangerous giraffes

Willow: Sounds fun, I'm in

I laughed to myself at how uniquely us the conversation was.

Luz: I would also like to join this adventure, but first I have BIG NEWS

Gus: Of course, you can join, and what's up



Emira: NO WAY

Edric: When are you coming back!?!?!?!


Jerbo: Yeah we have to hang out

Amity: I can't wait to see you again

Boscha: Yeah it'll be good to see you again nerd

Willow: I totally missed you Luz

Vee: I feel like I missed something

Luz: I got the part!!! I'll be there by the end of the week

Amity: I'm so happy for you, I guess that means we'll be spending a lot of time together

Luz: Yeah, I guess we will

Me and Amity have gotten really close over the months, she's pretty much become my best friend. It's pretty much impossible to think about how we only met 2 months ago. I don't think I've ever met someone who understood me as well as she did.

Luz: Anyway I'd love to chat more but I have to tell the others

I left the chat to tell the rest of my friends what had happened

Luz: Rain! Eda!! Guess what

Eda: We're all ears kiddo

Luz: I did it. I got the part! I owe you guys!!

Rain: I'm so proud of you Luz. We knew you could do it.

Eda: Speak for yourself, I'm just as surprised as the kid

Rain: EDA!

Eda: I'm kidding, I'm proud of you kiddo

Luz: Thanks Ms. Clawthorne

I laughed to myself at our short lived conversation, I wouldn't be here without them.  The rest of the day was spent celebrating with my family, I never considered ever doing something like this and yet here I am packing for my trip back to L.A.

3rd Person POV

The man walked into the office too annoyed to feel nervous as he stood before his boss. "Did you make the call" his boss asked causing him to roll his eyes "Yes, they were oh so happy to be in her favorite book adaptation" he replied. "Good" his boss answered, "I don't understand why you were so insistent on casting them, when there were several other more experienced actors." he said feeling annoyed, "I don't pay you to understand, I pay you to direct. And as long as you work here you do as I say, so I'd advise you to get back to that... Mr. Graye" and with that the man was dismissed. 

A/N: Yeah that's right i'm back, for how long though.... that is to be determined. Also hmm Graye that name sounds familiar *shrugs* eh i'm sure it's nothing. So what did you think about the chapter, it's been unfinished in my drafts for centuries. Anyway I stayed home today and figured I should be productive. Oh btw WHOSE HYPED FOR S3 jkhgsukhgsgkglk  I literally can't put my thoughts into words. If we don't get at least one wittebane flashback I seriously might die. Also I considered adding a key for like where all the parents fit in, in this chapter but I figured you guys could wait a little longer *maniacal laughter*

Have a great day/morning/night peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

One Week In L.A (Celebrity AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن