Chapter 4

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I couldn't bring myself to straighten, to meet his gaze as he waited for my instructions. My stomach twisted with desire. By the heart tree, I was starving. I'd have expected the lashes of spreading decay to have consumed such dark intentions. That seemed ridiculous now. The pain only amplified my other needs.

I let out the breath I'd been holding, trying to steady my racing pulse. I squeezed my enraged shoulder, silently begging the pain to stop so I could think clearly, if only for a moment. It didn't help.

"Please," the man's voice boomed through my ears, making me jump. "Tell me how to help you."

I shook myself. Still, I couldn't understand why my life meant anything to this man.

Finally, I forced my gaze to examine him. He was suited in a cloak that kept most of his features from view but I could still smell the iron at his belt.

"Take out your blade," I instructed, meeting his gaze finally.

He raised an eyebrow to me but did as I asked, pressing back his cloak to pull out a dagger no longer than his hand.

I nodded, then carefully removed my hand from my shoulder. It didn't scream as I'd expected it. It's feeling barely changed.

Using a long, talon-ed finger, I drew a line across the outer side of my palm, creating a visible incision. "Cut yourself here."

He hesitated, turning his head warily. "Why?"

I couldn't help the wicked smile that spread across my deformed features. "I told you before, I am a monster. A predator. If you're already injured my instincts will draw me to it, rather than asking me to open one of my own. There," I gestured toward the side of his palm, "it will be difficult for me to take more than your body can live without. There will be no lasting damage."

He took a step back from me and I saw the first hint of fear collapse over his calm exterior.

I sighed, attempting to straighten once more. My spine barely accepted the command, curling my back uncomfortably. I shuddered before finding his eyes.

"Rather typical for your kind," I mused, throwing my sound about the clearing so it bounced off the dew drops that still clung to the leaves. I chuckled at his natural reaction, looking around frantically for where the many mixing voices came from. "You're so willing to offer aid until you know what it will cost you. You wanted this, I'll remind you. I told you 'no'. I could have gladly slept into my eternity."

He shook himself and I watched with surprise as his features relaxed. He gave me a short nod before speaking, "All right then." He returned to his earlier position in front of me just out of reach.

"I could find you an animal," he offered.

I smiled at his hesitation and shook my head. "It would do me no good. Besides, we hardly have the time." My eyes found the path he had made when he arrived. Gesturing with my head, "Your people will be here shortly." My scream would have already alerted the nearby village. We had minutes, if that.

He visibly shivered, taking a slow breath. "How am I meant to free your leg if you have one of my hands?"

I snickered. "That's hardly any concern of mine. It's you who wish to ease my suffering, yes? That I'll not lay a curse on this land when I leave?"

I saw confusion flicker through his eyes before he realized he ought to hide it. He nodded instead of voicing a reply. I tilted my head, but didn't feel up to addressing it. I was about to get what I craved. A last meal before finally slipping away, who was I to complain?

He brought the edge of the blade to the skin I'd instructed, but paused before making the cut. "What if you can't stop?" he asked, eyeing me uncomfortably. It was clear this was nearly worse to him than letting me take his life. Somehow, offering me blood was more demeaning than having it stolen.

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