"I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife.  She has tended to him with unfailing devotion, love and honor. And for that she has my gratitude and my apology."

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess. We are both mothers and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow." Alicent stood, lifting her cup into the air. "I raise my cup to you and to your house. You will make a fine queen."

Everyone lifted their cup in agreement and took a sip. Silence filled the room, no one knowing what exactly to say.

"Let us have some music." At the King's command a lively tune began to play.

Jace stood from his seat, and walked to the other end of the table. He held a hand out to Helaena, the Princess took her nephew's hand with a smile as he led her to the dancefloor. As Jace and Helaena danced, the servants served the food.

The mood was light as Viserys was carried out of the room. Two Servants brought in a large platter with a roasted pig on it. Placing the pig in front of Prince Aemond, as Lucerys silently laughed. Aerys glared at his son, causing Luke to shrink in on himself. As Aemond hit the table in anger, Aerys quickly stood up causing the music to stop.

"I would like to make one final toast," Aerys spoke lifting his goblet into the air. "To my nephews, both of you have grown since the last time I saw you. You are now fine young men, worthy warriors and ride powerful dragons. And to my niece, You have grown into a lovely young woman, and a wonderful mother. When the time comes, I want each of you to know you shall have a place in my court. You will not be shunned or slaughtered, you will be able to remain here or go wherever you please. I shall take care of you as my brother did for me."

"Thank you, Prince Aerys." Alicent smiled at the man she used to love and still did.

Tensions seemed to die down somewhat at that, the rest of the night passed quietly and without incident.


The night passed quietly, Aerys laid in bed holding on tightly to his wife. There had been a distance between the couple since they had returned to King's Landing, Aerys knew that some part of him blamed Rhaenyra for moving to Dragonstone and leaving Viserys behind. He had been distant and cold, taking his anger and regret out on his relationship with his wife.

Now in the dead of night, Aerys laid awake, unable to sleep as he worried for the future. Would he be a good King? Would he even be able to be crowned, or would Otto push Aegon onto the Iron Throne? Would Alicent let that happen?

A knock at the door interrupted Aerys' downward spiral. Carefully separating himself from Rhaenyra's sleeping form, Aerys crept towards the door, opening it slightly. Ser Harrold Wersterling stood at the door, glancing around the hall before realizing Aerys had opened the door and pushing his way in.

"Ser Harrold-"

"There is no time, My Prince. The King is dead and the Hightowers are making plans to crown Prince Aegon. We must  get you and your family back to Dragonstone."

Aerys' blood went cold at the information Ser Harrold was sharing. His mind moving a mile a minute. Could he really ask his family to run and hide? To essentially exile themselves? Aegon's supporters would no doubt hunt them down. Aegon's rule could never be completely safe if Aerys and his blood was still out there.


"My Prince?"

"We will not run, gather my family and any knights you believe loyal to the rightful heir. Their Prince needs them." Ser Harrold nodded at the commanding tone in Aerys' voice, before turning and leaving the room, eager to do as his Prince commanded him.

With the room once again empty, Aerys turned back to the bed he had peacefully been laying in. He walked to the side Rhaenyra slept on, and knelt before his wife's sleeping figure. Aerys brushed a strand of silver white hair out of Rhaenyra's face, gently calling her name in an effort to wake her up.

Eyes slowly fluttered open revealing lilac irises. Rhaenyra's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sight of her husband kneeling before her. A quick glance at the room's windows showed it was still dark outside.

"Aerys?" She yawned. "What's going on?"

Aerys reached for his wife, taking her hand in one of his own and cupping her face with the other. "I'm so sorry, my light, but Viserys is dead."

Rhaenyra seemed to freeze, and while she had prepared herself for this moment she was foolish to think she might have a bit longer.

"The Hightowers are making moves to crown Aegon as king. You were right, my love. I was a fool to have doubted you."

"Aerys, you must do as I suggested. It is the only way to avoid war." Tears began to stream down Rhaenyra's face as his words sunk in. Both of her parents were dead, what else was the world going to take from her. Her hand fell to her swollen stomach, what more could she lose?

"I will," Aerys leaned forward, pressing his lips to Rhaenyra's cheek. "I promise."

A knock at the door once again interrupted Aerys' racing mind. This time Ser Harrold did not wait before entering. Luke and Jace followed closely behind, both holding Joffrey's hand. Behind his eldest sons two nursemaids with Baelon and Viserys II in their arms entered. Three white cloaks and seven of the Red Keep's guards followed.

"My Prince, this is everyone I could gather without risking the Hightower's finding out."

"Thank You, Ser Harrold." Aerys smiled at the older man, before his eldest son spoke up.

"What is going on, father? Why have you gathered us?"

Aerys glanced at Rhaenyra, squeezing her hand before addressing the room. "My brother, King Viserys is dead and Otto Hightower and the small Council wish to crown Aegon as his successor." Aerys turned to face only his sons. "I need you to stay here and help protect your mother and brothers, can you do that for me?"

Jace and Luke glanced at each other before nodding. "Of course." "Yes, father."

"Ser Harrold and you five will stay here, if anything goes wrong get my family out of here."

"Aerys-" Rhaenyra tried to argue.

"Yes, my Prince."

"You five are with me. I have a Small council meeting to attend."

AN: Dun dun dun. Damn what do you think is going to happen next?


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