Chapter Eight

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Following the celebrations held for Prince Aegon's second name day, Rhaenyra was sent on a tour of the Seven Kingdoms in hope the Princess would find herself a husband

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Following the celebrations held for Prince Aegon's second name day, Rhaenyra was sent on a tour of the Seven Kingdoms in hope the Princess would find herself a husband. Aerys had been bored since Rhaenyra had been sent on a tour of Westeros, in hopes she would find a match for herself.

The sighting of a dragon overhead had been the first thing to excite Aerys since Rhaenyra left. The Prince had to admit he was upset when Rhaenyra had told him she would be leaving.

Aerys stood to the side waiting as Viserys prepared for Daemon's return. Taking his place at the base of the Iron Throne. Watching as The room filled with Nobles visiting and members of the court. A flash of white caught Aerys' attention, The uncle smiling upon seeing his niece.

Rhaenyra smiled back as the sound of the doors opening pierced the tension filling the room. Footsteps filled the hall as Prince Daemon entered. Daemon had cut his long white hair so it didn't even pass his ears, and wore a crown made of white wood upon his head. As the Rogue Prince neared the throne the Kings' Guards drew their swords, pointing them towards the Prince.

Prince Daemon finally came to a stop when the tip of a sword pointed into his chest. He looked down at the blade and then back up to the knight wielding it, before pointing the hammer he held in his right hand at his brother, the King. "Add it to the chair," he said, dropping the weapon to the ground.

Whispers filled the room as people waited to see how the King would react. The Lord Commander sheathed his sword and knelt to pick up the weapon.

"You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself king?"  Viserys asked.

"Once we smashed the triarchy they named me King of the Narrow Sea." The crowd further broke out into whispers believing the Rogue Prince had come to declare himself king of his own kingdom. "But I know that there is only one true King, Your Grace."

Prince Daemon dropped to his knee, bowing to his elder brother. The King turned to look at his Hand, seeking advice of some sort but Otto could give none at this moment. Viserys turned to look at his wife, at her nod he turned back to where his brother kneeled. Forgiveness filling his heart.

"My crown and the Stepstones," The prince removed the crown from his head and looked up to his brother.  "are yours."

King Viserys smiled at his brother's words, before looking into the crowd, searching for a particular face. "Well, Where is Lord Corlys?"

"He sailed home to Driftmark."

"Who holds the Stepstones?"

"The tides, the crabs, and two thousand dead Triarchy corsairs staked to the sand to warn those who might follow." At his brother's words, the King walked forward. The sound of metal hitting stone filled the room as the King used his sword as a cane. Viserys took the wooden crown from his brother's hand, inspecting the item. Prince Daemon looked to where Otto stood in front of his daughter, a silent conversation passed between the two as the King handed the wooden crown to his guard. The crowd looked on, with baited breath as they awaited their King's judgement.

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