Chapter Four

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Another Small council meeting was called early the next morning, once again Aerys had not had the chance to break his fast. The Prince was getting very tired of all the Small Council meetings that had been happening as of late.

"Before we begin, Your Grace, I have a report I feel compelled to share." Ser Otto paused. "Last night... Prince Daemon bought out one of the Pleasure houses on the Street of Silk... to entertain officers of the City Watch and other friends of his."

"Get on with it Otto." Aerys interrupted the man, wishing he would stop pausing for dramatic effect.

"I gathered many reports, all said Daemon gave a speech."

"Well? What did he say, Otto?" Viserys urged his hand to continue.

"He toasted Prince Baelon. Styling him The Heir for a day." At Otto's words, Rhaenyra froze in her place beside Aerys. The princess had been about to pour her uncle a new cup. "I corroborated this report with three separate witnesses. The evening was by all accounts a celebration."

Without another word, Viserys stood from his seat and exited the Small Council's meeting room. Aerys swiftly following after him.

"What shall you do brother?" Aerys asked once he was walking beside his eldest brother.

"What I should have done long ago."


Viserys sat on the Iron Throne in the Great hall, several Kingsgaurds stood below, ready to protect the King should Daemon try anything. Though Aerys knew it was all for show. The young Prince standing beside the Iron throne, making sure not to cut himself on the blades jutting from the back of the seat.

The doors to the Great Hall opened as Daemon entered.

"You cut the image of the conqueror, brother." Daemon joked.

"Did you say it?" Viserys asked, his voice low as he attempted to hold his anger back.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You will address me as Your Grace., or I will have my Kingsguard cut out your tongue." Daemon glanced at his younger brother with a 'is he serious?' look. Swallowing his pride at Aerys' nod. "The Heir for a Day. Did you say it?"

"We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace."

"My family has just been destroyed. But instead of being by my side or Rhaenyra's as Aerys has been, you chose to celebrate your own rise! Laughing with your whores and your lickspittles! You have no allies at court but me and Aerys! We have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've given you, ouve thrown back in my face."

"You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch. Meanwhile you keep Aerys close, your favorite brother. Ten years you've been King, and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your brother. Your full blood brother. The blood of the dragon runs thick in me, untainted as it is in Aerys."

"Then why do you cut me so deeply?"

"I've only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is, and Aerys would see that too if he wasn't so enchanted by Hightower's daughter.

"An unwavering and loyal hand?"

"A cunt. A second son who stands to inherit nothing he does not seize for himself."

"Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be."

"He doesn't protect you. I would."

"From what?"

"Yourself." The arguing stopped as the two brothers stared at each other. "Youre weak, Viserys. And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends."

And me, brother? Do I prey on him too?" Aerys spoke up.

"No You are too busy following Alicent Hightower around to even think for yourself."

Aerys opened his mouth to continue arguing with Daemon, but Viserys cut him off. "I have decided to name a new Heir."

"I'm your heir." Daemon argued.

"Not anymore. You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of your King."

As Daemon stepped forward ready to do gods know what, the Kingsgaurds unsheathed their swords, ready to take Daemon down for their King. Aerys' own hand rested on the hilt of his sword at his hip.

Seeing he was outnumbered, Daemon bowed his head. "Your Grace."

As Daemon Exited the room, Viserys crumbled, falling back in his seat. Raising his hand to his head, the King sliced his finger on one of the swords that made up the Iron Throne.

"Are you alright brother?" Aerys asked, concern painting his face.

"I am fine, it's merely a cut." Viserys dismissed his brother's concern, examining the cut on his little finger.


That night, Aerys was escorted to the Crypt beneath the Keep. Most servants and nobles came down there to pray before the Black Dread's skull. That is where Aerys found Viserys.


Viserys merely glanced at Aerys before turning back to the dragon skull. "Balerion was the last living creature to have seen Old Valyria before the Doom. Its greatness and its flaws. When you look at the dragons what do you see?"

"Is this a history lesson, Viserys?"

"What do you see?"

Aerys looked up at the skull, it was vast commanding the entire room's attention. Whoever entered the crypt was sure to stop and admire the skull.

"I do not know. I suppose I see Targaryens. But we are not Dragons, we merely ride them, without them we would be just like every other House in the Seven Kingdoms.."

Accepting his brother's answer, Viserys turned to face him. "The Idea that we control the dragons is an illusion. They're a power man should never have trifled with. One that brought Valyria its doom. If we don't mind our histories, it will do the same to us. Targaryen must understand this to be King."

"Viserys, please do not."

"I must, Aerys. In time you will come to accept the role as I did." Viserys spoke, clapping a hand on his brother's shoulder.

AN:" Aerys litteraly begging his brother not to make him heir and Viserys is just like "Sorry bro." Anyways what'd ya think? I live for yall's comments.


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