Chapter Eleven

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The doors to Rhaenyra and Aerys' chambers opened with a creak. The sound of children talking caused Aerys to smile. Aerys' sons sat on the floor with the captain of the City watch, telling him some story of a dragon.

"Mother, Father." Jaecerys spoke, happy to see his parents. The boy scrambled to his feet, directing his parents' attention to a charcoal braizer on a nearby table. "Look."

Jace lifted the lid revealing a large dragon egg.

"We chose an egg for the baby." Lucerys looked up at his mother with his big brown eyes.

"Ahh, that looks like the perfect one." Aerys helped Rhaenyra onto a chair with one hand, the other held baby Baelon.

"I let Luke choose."

"Thank you, Jace."

What are you doing here, Ser Harwin?" Aerys asked his friend.

"It is not everyday an egg leaves the dragon pit. I thought it best to escort the lads."

"Aerys and I thank you, Commander." Rhaenyra spoke as she settled into her seat.

"Another boy, I heard." Harwin stared at the babe in Aerys' arms.

"Yes, my friend." Aerys answered, tilting his body so Harwin could see the babe better.

"You must be happy, my friend. Another healthy son. He shall make a fine knight."

"Father, please may I hold Baelon?" Luke asked, raising his arms to try and take the babe.

"I'm sorry son, Baelon is still quite delicate." Aerys caught one of Luke's hand, lowering it away from Baelon. "Shouldn't the two of you be at the Dragonpit?"

"Must we, father?" Jace whined.

"I fear you must. Ser Harwin will you p[lease escort my sons back to the Dragonpit?"

"Of course, my Prince." Ser Harwin placed a hand on both of the boys' shoulders, ushering them out of the room.

As the door closed, Aerys turned back to his wife. Rhaenyra was already watching him, admiring how her husband looked with a babe in his arms. Aerys bounced as he walked to the nearby cradle. Peering down Aerys saw that Baelon was already asleep in his arms. The father lovingly laid his son down in the cradle. Taking one last look at his son, Aerys walked back to where Rhaenyra sat.

"Shall I have a bath prepared for you, my love?" Aerys asked, dropping to his knees before the chair Rhaenyra sat on. Laying his head on her lap, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"No, I want to stay like this." Rhaenyra answered, running her fingers through Aerys' white hair. A moment of silence passed, before Rhaenyra spoke again. "There will be rumors flying around the Keep by tonight."

"I know." Aerys lifted his head, staring up at his wife. "I am sorry to but you in this position."

"I cannot blame you, it is not your fault."

"Yes it is, If I were Viserys' full blood brother this wouldn't be happening. I only exist because my father found comfort in some lady of the court. I am a bastard, Nyra."

"You are a Targaryen. King Jaehaerys legitimized you, Prince Baelon recognized you as his son, my father named you heir. So what if our children have brown hair, they are ours." Rhaenyra held Aerys' face in her hands, tipping his head back so he would see her. See how serious she was.

"They say you sleep with other men, Rhaenyra. They question your loyalty, our vows."

"Let them Question, we know the truth."

Aerys surged forward at his wife's words, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. His hands gripped her hips tightly, lifting her up into the air. Aerys carried the princess to their bed, their lips never parting.

Rhaenyra crashed onto the bed, pulling Aerys on top of her. Aerys' hands landed on either side of Rhaenyra's head, holding his body weight from crushing her. One of Rhaenyra's hands cupped the side of Aerys' face while the other trailed down his chest.

Aerys shifted all his body weight to one arm, breaking the kiss. His other hand snatched Rhaenyra's hand, stopping it in its path. The prince lifted her hand's to his lips, placing a kiss to the delicate skin of her inner wrist.

"You need rest my love." Aerys spoke, rolling onto the bed beside Rhaenyra. "I have a feeling we will both be exhausted come this evening."

Rhaenyra groaned at her husband's words, rolling onto her side so she was pressed against him.

AN: In case you're still confused Jace, Luke and Baelon are Aerys' sons.


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