Chapter 15: Itto ☁️

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(S/n) = Sons name <3


You have to admit that when Itto stated he wanted kids that you were a bit worried about how he'd do, but after having your baby boy and seeing how good he has done you couldn't be more happy.

He's a great father which isn't surprising. There's been many moments you can't help but fall in love with him again.

Itto has made it fun being a parent. He takes care of you all it's nothing. If you ever need a break he's always willing to have a boys day with your baby. Ever since you had your son he made sure to be there.

Seeing how happy he is to have a little combination of you two fills you with the most adoration ever. Itto unconditional love for you transferred to your kid too.

"Mama looks superrr pretty right (s/n)?"

Your child's eyes filled with love as he looks up at you. "Yea, Mamas beautiful!" He giggles.

They make sure to make you feel like the only person in the world. They give you all the love you could ever want.

Your kid is just like Itto, perhaps a little too much like him. Sometimes both of them are more oblivious then you'd like but you don't have any intent to crush their fantasy worlds.

As you walk through the hallways you wonder where your two boys are. That's until you hear quiet giggling around the corner and someone shushing the other.

You decide between telling them you know that they are around the corner or playing into the part of being scared. You end up deciding to feign surprise, you can't bare to crush their happiness like that.

As you turn the corner they shout, "BOO!!" You do your best to jump back and scream a little bit. You hear both of bust out into laughter you know you made the right choice.

"We got you Mama!!" Your child giggled while rolling on the floor. Itto is holding his stomach, nearly dying of laughter. "You should've seen your face! We totally got her good!"

Itto picks (s/n) off of the floor and spins him around. As Itto brings all of you into a loving embrace you can't help but smile. This is what you had dreamed of.

Even when your aren't part of their little fun they seem to make you part of their world.

When they play outside it's most likely beetle brawl. As they play you hear them involve you and your filled with happiness.

"Argh you won again little brat! You got that from your mom and I. You won't beat me next round though!"

You hear (s/n) giggle menacingly. "I got it from Mama! She taught me how to find the best beetles, in fact mama gave me this one as a gift!"

You see him cross his arms with a proud look in his eyes. "How about this Dada! I bet you some of Mamas food if you win if not, i get some of mamas food of your plate later!"

"You know I don't back down from a challenge! The great arataki itto doesn't go down that easy!"

To say the least, (s/n) won and Itto was practically pouting about it the whole time. You made sure to make a little extra to give him when (s/n) wasn't looking.

After (s/n) turned 7 Itto made sure to introduce him to his gang. Everyone adored (s/n) and how you could you blame them with his cute baby face and small red horns?

(S/n) favorite person in the arataki gang had to be Shinobu though. He called her auntie and she didn't seem to mind.

The gang took great care of him whenever you and Itto decided to go out. They have claimed he's just as troublesome as Itto, more so since he was just as smart as you.

You couldn't tell if that part was a compliment or not but the only response was "no offense to boss but you are smarter than him."

Your family was described as wholesome by everyone that knew you. You were known for being an amazing mother and Itto was known for being a great dad. You two couldn't be more happier. At the end of the day, you all loved each other unconditionally.

"It's time for you to go to bed (s/n)." You say with your hand on your hip as you see that Itto kept him up past his bedtime, again, to play games.

"One more round, pleaseeeeee?" You shook your head. "You heard me, both of you to bed now." Itto looked at you pleading. "I have to go to bed too?" Itto asked confused.

"Both of you do it's midnight." You hear them dramatically sigh and chuckle. As they clean up you watch them turn it into a game.

When they are done Itto wishes (s/n) a good night before ruffling his hair and heading to your shared room.

As (s/n) goes to bed you make sure to tuck him in and kiss him goodnight. "Mommmm!" You try to suppress your laugh."Goodnight baby, I love you." You say before leaving the room and shutting off the light.

You walk to your room and start your nightly routine as Itto does his. Itto finishes before you and talks about everything he did today before turning the conversation to you.

"You look beautiful you know that?"

You turn your head towards him as you finish up your routine. "You haven't forgotten to tell me everyday since we've met."

"O-oh right." He says with blush on his face. "I just feel so lucky to have you y'know? I mean we even have a kid together! Isn't that awesome?"

You lay down next to him after turning off the lights. "Yeah, I couldn't be happier. I think being with you has been the greatest decision I've made."

As you move to get comfortable Itto takes you into his arms and holds you tight. "Thank you."

You're a little surprised. "What are you saying thank you for Itto?" It's silent for a few seconds before he brings his lips to yours for a passionate kiss.

When you part for air he finally answers the question.

"For being with me of course."

This time you kiss him before laying your head on his chest. "I couldn't have chosen anyone better than you."

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