Chapter 4: Venti 🌧️

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The day you came home, you felt sick. As you came in, locking the door behind you and turning on the lights near the door you see a huge mess.

In front of you your boyfriend is knocked out cold with a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"Venti!" You screech as you rush to your boyfriend taking the bottle out of his hand. "Venti wake up!"

As you bring your ear to his chest you hear his heart beating, relief fills you. You carry Venti to the bedroom and cover him up as he sleeps. You swear to yourself you'd talk with him when he wakes up. In the meantime you clean up your shared apartment.

When Venti wakes up he stumbles out of your room into the bathroom. After he's done vomiting his guts out he brushes his teeth trying to get rid of the evidence that he was drunk. He hadn't seen you when he woke up, he hoped that you didn't see him drunk.

When he walks out of the bathroom he sees you on the couch in the living room with the tv on, hunched over with your head in your hands.

He slowly creeped toward you to see if you were awake.

"Venti..." You say in a frustrated tone.

"Y-Y/n, hehe," he chuckled worriedly, "I didn't know you were awake."

"I have been up all night cleaning up your mess and making sure you were okay," You turn to glare at him, "and I was worried sick."

"Y/n I didn't mean to frighten you!" He says as he sits down next to you, a worried look on his face.

"I thought we had talked about your drinking habits." You choked out, you could feel your jaw tightening. You couldn't tell if you were more sad or mad about this situation.

"Y/'s not that easy. I needed to relieve my stress and the only way I knew how is through, well, drinking." As he finished his statement he looked into your eyes. He winced as he felt your stare become hard and cold.

"Do you know what I saw when I got into the apartment earlier?" You questioned, crossing your arms.

Venti slowly shook his head no. You could see the regret and fear in his eyes but you could no longer feel sympathy for the man.

"I saw our apartment look like a garbage disposal. I saw what looked like to be a dead man with a bottle of alcohol in his hands," you saying as you look at your hands with tears flowing down your face, "The worst part was I felt like I was too late to have had stopped you. I felt like I lost you Ven."

As you glared at him red faced and teary eyed you started to yell at him. "I'm so tired of this Ven. You promised me you wouldn't drink, that you would talk to me instead!"

"I'm sorry Y/n I really am I just didn't know what to do and-"

"What you're supposed to do is call me. I would be there for you in a heartbeat, don't you get that? What are you so afraid of?" Your voice lowered back down into choked sobs. You were pleading him to tell you what was wrong. The sight of him on the floor scared the shit out of you.

"Please Ven, please just tell me."

As Venti looked into your eyes he could see your heartbreaking. He could see the distance between you two growing and it scared him. He didn't want it to end like last time. He was scared if he told you, what was left of your relationship would just would just be history.

After a bit of silence you were about to give up. You had already called into work and you needed rest. But as Venti saw you get up with the disappointed look on your face, something in him gave him courage.

"Y/n, you promise you won't leave me if I tell you?" He questioned, voice shaking with each word.

"Venti, my love I would never leave you. All I ask is that you trust me as I trust you."

In that moment Venti decided to tell you everything from his past to his now concerns.

When all was said and done you wrapped your arm around him, bringing him into your strong embrace. "Thank you for trusting me, my love, and I promise we will get through it step by step together.


If ANYONE this like "oh this could've worked for Kaeya or Rosaría or smth just know I have other things planned for them.

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