Chapter 3: Tighnari 🌧️

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You promise yourself the next time you see that sly fox that you'll confront him. You promise yourself you won't let him get away with how he has treated you.

But, when you see him you couldn't bring yourself to do it. At least not until he brushed you off again.

As he finally walked into your shared home like usual after his flota eating day, you succumbed to feeling. Seeing this he walked over toward you. As he took your hand in his for the millionth time, and brought his other hand up to caress your face you began to cry. As the tears fell from your eyes he wiped them way.

"Again Nari, really?" You hiccup through tears.

"I am aware you don't like that I have to test out all these different plants by consuming them, but this is for work. Nothing bad has ever happened before and nothing will happen later."

As Tighnari tries to reassure you, you feel yourself getting angry through your tears.

"It's more than that Tighnari!" You sob, your anger causing more tears. You let go of his hand as you pull away to cross your arms.

"What is this about?"

"Yes it's dangerous but you're forgetting about everything and everyone else around you! When was the last time we went out, huh? When was the last time you took a break, even if just for a bit?"

You can't help but clench your fists as you continue to vent, it had been like this for months. You had tried to talk to him multiple times just for him to brush it off. As much as you wanted to hear what he had to say, you continue to let everything out.

"How many times have I caught you when the plant things caused a weird reaction? To say nothing bad has happened is a complete lie!

"What are you talking about?" Tighnari questioned.

"Do you even understand how bad it hurt to see you their withering in pain last time, to have to rush around for anything to reverse what its affects?"

You take a deep breath and close your eyes as you look up. How could you explain this any better?

"I- I'm sorry I didn't-" Tighnari started before you cut him off.

"You didn't what Tighnari? You didn't know? You didn't mean to hurt yourself, me or anyone else?", You glared at him as you stepped up to his face, "I swear to the archons if you say that."

"Y/n I really didn't realized how much this was affecting you!" Tighnari stressed.

You let out a sigh as you heard him say this. "No, you knew perfectly well. We had this conversation multiple times."

Exasperated, Tighnari tries to resolve the situation as he usually does. "Okay how about this, I take a break tomorrow and we can do whatever you want to do?"

"What aren't you understanding Tighnari? This really isn't about me or what I want! This is about you losing touch with everything. You don't seem care about your own health!"

Tighnari looks at you wide eyed.

"I don't know what to tell you Y/n, this is for work so other people don't get hurt."

"So what? You don't have to do any of it. Maybe you could request someone else to do it, I don't know but I'm begging you to stop at least for a month or two!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that Y/n."

"You know what Tighnari," You lower your voice as you walk towards him again, "you were always too concerned with testing plants to see our own relationship decaying like those forests, day after day. I don't have the energy to continue to stand by as you become further and further from reach."

Both you and Tighnari have tears in your eyes as you being turning to walk away from him.

"Even though you're the person that suppose to be there for me through and through, you understood me less than the plants you test and the decaying forests you try to save. Next time, I won't be there to help you when things go wrong."

"W-wait! We can work this out right Y/n? I'll take a break for a month, no actually two just please don't do this!" He begs.

"I've made up my mind Tighnari, we're done here. I hope you're happy." You keep walking toward the door to leave your once shared home.

"Please don't, please, my love don't do this!" He tries again, desperately trying to bring you back.

As you finally walk though the door you reply, "I loved you too."


Tough luck eh? Love Tighnari but I felt ✨inspired✨ and thought this might work.

Any and all feedback is appreciated!

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