chapter 40

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Sirius continued to lean against James' shoulder and stare into nothing. It was some time later that Prongs decided it was time to go to bed.


Sirius' head snapped to the taller boy who was now standing Infront of him. Holding his hand out for Sirus to grip.

James had wiped another tear that trailed down Sirius' face. Sirius never cried in front of his friends, this was a first sight for James.

He felt bad for Padfoot. And Moony ofcourse but right now Sirus the rebel Black needed him more.

"I-i don't want them to see me like this."

James crouched Infront of his best friend and took his cold hand in his. "We all have our bad days." The taller reasured.

He then lead Pad's up the steps and opened the door a bit. There was no sight of a aware being. The three were passed out on their beds. Regulus ofcourse was on James'.

Sirius crawled into his bed, not pulling the curtains. "James?" He whispered.


"I need to talk to somebody about this and well... Could i talk to you about it?"

"Yes, of course. ..And clean your makeup off, you look look like a mess."

"I really really love Moony and um. I'm the one who gave us the little pause"

"Why?" James glanced at his best friend. He was too occupied looking at the canopy above him.

"She knows. Mother knows about.. us"

James cuddled his boyfriend closer, leaning his head on his chest as Sirus continued.

"She-she, someone wrote a letter. To her. And.. I have been getting howlers, the holidays aren't that far away- shut up." He said as he spotted James' open mouth. As he was about to say something.

"I know I'm a part of your family now, and I-i don't want to intrude I swear. I'l be leaving after about a week at your place." Once again James looked offended, Sirius had to give him a glare to shut him up.

"I'm scared she'll do something to Remus. And I can't take that risk."

"Oh Sirus-"

But James was cut off by another voice coming near him. "It's going to be ok. I know who sent the letter." Sirius turned to the voice of his brother. "It was Barty. Probably a warning sign for me and James."

Just then there was a strong hand holding the older brother's upper arm.

You don't have to be a genius to know who that hand belongs to.

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