chapter 32

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Regulus at this point had just stormed out the room, heading to the Griffindor tower. James had given him the password ages ago. He walked up the door to his lovers dorm, not bothering to knock while he walked in, seeing James doing his homework. Prongs was sitting on the bed, facing the door, and now Reg. Potter looked up to see Regulus who sat on his lap, nuzzling his head in James' shoulder as well as wrapping his legs around his waist. The boy behind glasses put his DADA homework aside.

"What's wrong?"

No answer.

"Reggie?" James held his boyfriend's head in his hands, though Regulus' head fell back into the stags chest. "Barty is a bitch." "Yeah, sometimes."

"He threw away my blades."

"He is just protecting you." James said, stroking the younger's dark locks. "He said that I better give them to him else he would tell mother." Reg mumbled, still his head being stroked by James.

"And where are they now?"

"Probably at the far bottom of the black lake."

James scrunched his nose. "He threw em out the window." Regulus then added.



"I didn't know Bart had it in him."

"Sadly he did."

"You know he's right though, you need to stop."

"I can't stop. It's so addictive seeing that blood and feeling that burning right after or feeling the metal drag across your skin. Also you have seen that I have tried to stop."


"In the changing room you were looking at my thighs, I tried burning and scratching."

"So that's what it was about."

"Some also punishments from mother."

James' eyes widened. "What?" Prongs asked.

"Sirius never told you?" Regulus was just as confused as James at the moment. "What do you mean Sirius never told me?"

"I mean, the bruises and cuts after the holidays, the being so quiet and flinching easily. The constant poker face, the reason he ran away?"

It suddenly all clicked for James. One of the secrets of the group, he had asked Sirius before but he would lie.

"He didn't tell you did he?"

James slowly nodded no, he then looked at his boyfriend in horror. "Christmas?" This was Regulus' turn to nod. "You're not going back." "I have-" "Just run away like Sirius did and come live with us. Or-or maybe I don't know, just don't go back."



There was a shuffle near the doorway and the older Black brother was standing there.

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