chapter 25

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James then left his boyfriend in the compartment, walking back to his friends.

Regulus sat there, looking at the thunderstorm that was visible outside of the window.

Regulus' head looked at the door of his little space. A slightly shorter black-, sorry 'potter' was standing there.

"Sirius." The younger brother said, acknowledging his existence.

"Reggie." He greeted back.

Padfoot sat next to his brother, putting his hand on his shoulder. Regulus shut his eyes at this. "They.." "yes." "You're leaving that place." "What!, I can't leave!?"

"Ey, calm down."

"They will find me."

"Nah, they didn't find me."

"Totaly has nothing to do with favourites."

"Ha ha, now.., how do I get you from there?"

"You don't?"


"You can't.."

Sirius let out a heavy sigh before changing his sitting position, sitting criss cross, facing Reggie.

"Why are you here?"

"Last time I checked that was my sweater."

"Too bad." Baby black said, sarcasticly grinning. The thunder and wind was heard in the background.

"But also it wasn't as lose on you."

'well shit.' he thought.

"You came to interrogate me?"

"Yes." Sirius said firmly, grabbing his brother's wrist. Faded scars littered it, but some weren't 'that old'.

Pad's stared at him blackly, waiting for him to say something. "It was before I went there." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Didn't think you gave two shits about me,..still do." The older brother wrapped two fingers around the other's wrist. Seeing that there was alot of space between Sirius' finders and Regulus' flesh-, *bone.

"I don't think I have to explain that." Reg said in an unemotional tone.

"Last time you ate?"



"Hogwarts." Regulus answered, knowing it was pointless to lie.

Sirius yanked Reg to the train compartment that was basically owned by the marauders, sitting (more like shoving) him next to Prongs.

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