ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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{tw; describing of blood and slight mention of sh and ed throughout the chapter}

"Sirius?" James asked as he touched the boys shoulder. The boy flinched and turned around as fast as it was humanly possible.

They stared at each other for a good moment before gray eyes looked away.

Sirius' laughter was heard near the entrance, so Regulus left to change seats. Leaving a wandering James behind. Soon Pad's sat next to Prongs and kept bugging him throughout the lesson.

"What are you thinking about?" Was scribbled in cursive on a piece of paper in front of the two friends.

"Nothing in particular." James wrote back.

"?" Was passed back to the boy with glasses. He just pointed at Regulus who was sitting two seats away from them with someone who James recognised as Barty Crouch jr.

"What's got you so obsessed with him?"
Was written by the elder of the two.

"I don't know, is something going on at home?" Sirius stared at the words blankly, not knowing how to respond.

After some time he wrote: "I ran away how am i supposed to know."

This time it was written alot more neat. So James would be able to read his best friend's terrible handwriting. Sirius started living with him and his parents about a month and a half ago.

"Okay." was the last word on the paper, written by James.

When the class ended Sirius' brother left, but surprisingly not to the great hall for lunch. He headed to the library. Regulus pulled out a book from some shelf and started reading while heading to the back of the room. Placing his bag next to him, reading silently in a corner waiting for the bell to ring. He wasn't hungry or at least that's what he told himself.

All classes went the same, hours and assignments came one after another. Until it was finally the end of the day.

The younger Black brother was heading to his dorm when he bumped into someone. They both looked at eachother the same gray eyes were staring back. "Can't you fuck off?" Was heard from Sirius. The other boy stayed silent. Regulus was at least expecting a 'hi' or 'sorry'. But, no.

Regulus made his way to the closest room he could find. Lucky for him it was the bathroom. Getting a glance at the mirror made him realise how he hated what he saw.




Yes, Reg was the perfect brother but how he wished to be like the other. Sharper jaw line, doe eyes. Smoother skin and most of all like a twig. Don't get me wrong. Regulus was a twig. A one that was skinner than his brother. Though he chose not to see it.

The reflection making him sick. He quickly walked into one of the stalls, locked the door and crouched down. Regulus sat on the cold stone floor.

A small tear rolled down his cheek as he picked on a scab from his not so old scars, littering his lower arm. Voices were heard going into the bathroom. He wiped the tear with his sleeve and left.

Seeing the boy from class that had mistaken him for his older brother, Regulus left the bathroom with a stinging wrist. Bleeding a tiny bit.

The blood. It was beautiful. So red. It reminded him of roses. Griffindor ties and the setting sky. There was nothing in this world that could represent red more than the liquid that flowed through his vains. Through his body.

No matter how hard he tried to be red, he was always green...



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