What the fuck....

353 4 5

(A/N: sorry for taking such a big break a lot of stuff is going on rn)

I pull away and look at his beautiful icy eyes "I've helped now please go to sleep" i laugh

I hear him groan "ugh but i want more"

"Stop acting like a toddler Sodo" i grab his jaw to make him look at me

"Can i at least sleep with you tonight?" He whined "i won't snore i promise"

I sigh "sure" i stand up walk over to his bathroom and look back at him "do you wanna take a bath or.."

"Yes please" he tries to stand up quickly and his legs start shaking

"Wow i- uhm sorry?" I look down embarrassed and red

He just walks over to me and sighs "let's just- yknow let's just- uhm"

"Go clean yourself I'll be in my room" i smile and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking to my room . I enter my room and  go to my closet to change into pyjamas black shorts with a oversized green shirt that said "hoes for gardening or hoe gardeners"
After I'm done changing i go get comfy in my bed but suddenly i screaming and growling i get up before i here Sodo scream in pain

I run out my room and see a brother of sin, Rain , Sodo and Mountain with Sodo attacking the brother "What the fuck...." I gasp. I see Mountain look over at me and signal rain to go over to me shortly after i see Rain running towards me

"Y/n! Sodo...Sodo hes-hes gone feral or something i don't know what caused it i just came running out when i heard screaming same thing with Mountain" Rain explains

I look over his shoulder and see Sodo's mouth all bloody and scratches on the poor brother's chest after a few seconds Sodo's head snaps towards my i look into his eyes their as sharp as a knife and their not their icy blue anymore their a beautiful amber just like fire, i feel seduced by his eyes i can't look away

"SODO" i hear Copia scream before my vision goes pitch black

368 words

Are you insane  (Sodo x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora