Lost phone uh oh

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A/N : I'm not to good with writing a lot so i may or may not make a lot of short chapters 😱😱

I wake up looking over to try to get my phone 'it's 3AM i should be asleep i but just can't' i thought 'i might as well just go try to text my friend'

**Texting LEILA☺️🥳**

Me: heyy girl you awake i can't sleep😭😭

                                                 Blud why are you awake :LEILA☺️🥳

Me: I'm Batman 😈😈and wtf you mean blud
Okie dokie and wtf you mean "wtf you mean blud" :LEILA☺️🥳

Me: girl i swear my roommates are like dead asleep and snoring like a fucking broken transformer so like wanna go on a walk⁉️‼️

Sure and btw i have something kinda important to tell you so yeah meet in five kay?? :LEILA☺️🥳

**end texting with LEILA☺️🥳**

I put down my phone and get out of bed grabbing a jacket and some shoes i turn over to get my phone on my desk but it's not there 'what the' i try to look under the covers to see anything but no nothing i close my eyes trying to think where i last put it but i keep just remembering to putting it on my desk 'i might as well go without it i guess' i sigh and slowly walk out my room tip toeing around my roommates room i grab the keys and quietly unlock the door and get out i exhale from a breath i didn't even know i was holding

i walk to the place we usually meet up at but then i see a dark not gonna lie quite tall figure and some one else but before i can react i get pulled by my waist into a tree i try screaming but my mouth is covered i kick my feet before feeling a feeling I've never felt before an anger like no other my head and my lower back starts hurting i look down at my hands to see claws big grey claws 'these aren't my hands' i elbow the thing in the stomach making it loose it's grip i quickly use that to my advantage by standing up hitting them in their face and running away 'where's Leila' i look back down at my hands again and see the same thing big claws and my hands including the whole arm is grey i reach for my phone in my pockets but remember it's not there i lost it at home i start to panic but suddenly everything's go black and my whole body turns numb

432 words

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