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True to his words, Jungwon stared astonishingly at the triple amount of zeros on his paycheck.

"Wah," Sunoo who was besides him gaped in awe,

The feline eyed male refused to look away from the piece of paper nearly crumpling in his hands,

"Someone hit the jackpot." A snarky voice sneered from behind Jungwon.

The red haired male and the fox eyed male glanced over at the pair of watchful eyes from behind them.

That's when the feline eyed male finally took notice of the dark haired female who's been throwing him shady glares ever since the news of Jungwon's pay rise.

"Mina ssi." Jungwon stitching up his smile to subdue the urge to choke her on the spot.

The black haired female threw him a mocking smile,

"Wish that was you, huh?" Sunoo mimicked her smile.

The long haired female stayed quiet, bitting down on her lip so hard Jungwon could've sworn he saw blood.

His yellow haired best friend tsked before grabbing Jungwon.

"Let's go. Time is precious." Sunoo's eyes twinkled as he blew a kiss at Mina.

"Hyung.." Jungwon shut his eyes in embarrassment,

Don't get him wrong, Jungwon loves his best friend, Sunoo was probably one of the few people Jungwon would give up his life to save, but when it comes to his best friend's snarky remarks..

The red head didn't have much time to ponder on how Mina was reacting when he felt his head bumping hard into something.

"Fuck." He cursed, blinking his eyes opened to see the object that was obstructing his path.

Only then was he met with a pair of hazel eyes, one so familiar in shade to Sunoo's. Hair dark as ebony gleaming under the company's bright lights,

Jungwon's jaw nearly dropped at the sight of the female in front of him,

Compared to her Jungwon felt smaller than a piece of lint that rested on her elegant dress.

Her eyes spoke volumes as they stared down at the feline eyed male.

Besides her, a bodyguard clad in the same ebony black.

"Watch where you're going." Her raspy voice drawled as she drank in Jungwon's appearance.

Her bodyguard's gaze snapped over at Jungwon. Looking like he was seconds away from grabbing the boy and turning him into nothing but pure mist.

"Sorry." Jungwon immediately bowed, somehow knowing his woman was of much a higher class than him.

The woman simply tsked as she turned to her bodyguard.

"Take me to Jongseong." She simply said.

The bodyguard simply nodded before leading her down the hallway which undoubtedly led to a particular male's office.


Jungwon pondered at the unfamiliar name. His eyes wandered its way over to his best friend who was standing appalled by the door.

"Hyung?" Jungwon breathed out in confusion as he approached his fox eyed friend.

"Why is she here?" Sunoo choked, mortified.

That was when Jungwon took notice of the sudden silence coiling the room. As if a single sound would break the finely threaded silk of unwavering quietness.

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