Potters New Home

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Snape and harry arrived in the hospital wing, harry was hiding in Snapes robes, for some reason, the little tod liked him. Maddam Pomfrey was nearby,

"Snape, have you brung little harry potter?"

"Yes, poppy. I've brung the little brat. And it's severus not snape."

"Don't be silly, he's not a brat, just a kid." Poppy said, Harry's head peaked out of the potion masters' robes, she looked on in horror. Her face dropped.

"Oh my goodness, what happened???"

"His muggle family," snape didn't look happy himself but he tried to stay neutral, after all its james potters' son. But also Lily's.. He felt a tad bit bad, harry reminded him of his younger self.

"Put him down on the bed over there for me, Severus."

Severus tried to put him down on the bed, but harry clung to his robes, "Let go, you little brat--" snape put him down successfully, harry flinched "I's s'wwy. P'ease 'o hu't." This only terrified him further, he didn't want to get hurt, so after he spoke he remained as possibly quiet as he could, even forgetting to breath.

He grunted, "I won't harry, we are trying to help you. Cooperate and afterwards I'll buy you--" what was it kids his age liked? Those little things you could hold and play with? "Toys"

"Hawwy good boy?"


Maddam promfrey grabbed her wand, and scrambled over to the bedside of where the boy who lived was laying, he was skinny, bones showing.

"I'm just gonna do a quick check-up on you, little one, I promise you won't get hurt and snape here will look after you. Whatever's wrong with you, I'd like to make it better," she spoke in a mommy voice that he liked,


"Snape." Said Severus, annoyed at the tots misprouncation. Poppy laughed.

After the check up, he got to choose a toy from hogsmeade. But first, they went to Snapes dungeon.


Dumbledore had came by whilst Snape was busy, at maddam pomfrees and dumped some baby toys, pacifiers, blankets and other stuff he need for harry. Snape was outraged. His house looked like a dump. But then he realized that most of the stuff wasn't suitable for babies anymore.

He got more annoyed, he'd have to take the little brat shopping now, but they were going to hogsmeade already.

"Harry, we are gonna go shopping for stuff for you, like toys, clothing and other things, if you like something tell me."

"O'y, nae."

They evaporated into thin air.

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