The destination.

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Snape arrived, he heard voices inside, he knocked at the door, a fat-overweight man named vermon dursley answered.

"Oi' I know who you are...Your your.. that magic freak! Get away from here"

"I am here for potter, " Snape firmly stood his ground, his eyes seeming cold, staring him down. "I am here to check how he is, and if he's well."

vermon stuttered, his body was too big for him, his stomach was round and way bigger then his legs. He was taken aback. "The boys fine."

"Really? Funny because I don't believe that." His eyes overwhelmingly peered into his soul. "In that case, you wouldn't mind me having a look, hm?"

Vermon's palms were sweating and swear was dripping from his face, all whilst Snape walked past him, not phased atall. Harry Potter was under the stairs, in the tiny little cupboard. He checked it, thinking it was a storage room. Oh boy was he wrong.

"Harry? What are you doing under here? Why aren't you in your room?" Snape was confused. Maybe he was putting back something? But then he noticed a little bed, "t'is is i's room, sir."

he picked up baby harry who was skinny and you could see his bones poking out from his body. "Dumbledore will be hearing about this!" Just like that, he vanished into thin air.

Under Snapes CareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz