Hogwarts' Discovery.

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He apparted here, "Dumbledore, " he was holding a baby harry who was confused and cooing at the man in black holding him and the "old man" before him.

"Why is he here, you said your gonna just check up on him?"

"You see, Potter is being mistreated in his muggle home." He spoke, then albus noticed his bones and body. He was about the weight of a broom stick.

"Perhaps, you could take him in, think about it Snape. You've always wanted a child with lily, now you could have one,I mean there's no other choice, Sirius black: his godfather is in Azkaban and Remy is out of the picture."

Snape was outraged. But then didn't say it, he thought for a minute. Was it that bad? Yes he hated James Potter but he'd always wanted a child with Lily. Maybe this was his opportunity, dispite her not being there.

"I, guess. But only for the mean-while." He was baffled and lost for words. "But not for James Potter. Not for you, but for his mother. Do you understand?"

As he and baby harry left, the dungeon bat glared at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore spoke to Minerva:

"How long do you think he'll last, surely he'll give him up."

"I bet 150 gallons, he'll grow attached." Said Minerva,


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