Chapter 15

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Victor's POV

An agonizing and desperate cry for help pierced through the tense atmosphere. A sound that I have not heard ever since the apocalypse had just started.

That sound, no doubt, captured my attention, just as it did with the zombies. I pushed the motionless body off of me and stared at the mall's entrance in absolute shock.


"HELP ME!!!"

A survivor?


There's more than one.

My eyes widened at the realization that I'm not the only one left on earth while I stared at the zombies charging their way through the exit.

Just that news alone, somehow, gave me hope to continue existing after all this time in solitary but for it to be snatched away from me if I don't help them at this moment is more than I could handle.

Knowing that seconds could determine their chances of survival, I snapped out from my stupor and stumbled across a few dead bodies, charging my way through the other door. Instead of rushing down, where the zombies just had, I ascended up the building.

Getting out from the main entrance is no different than signing a death contract. A bloody, messy and excruciating massacre. Thanks to the scream attracting their attention, there were no zombies along the way and as I almost reached the rooftop of this mall, I heard a gunshot.


Unless you are with another hundreds of survivors with fully loaded machine guns, you are no match with these mutated zombies especially when you have their fullest attention!

As worry began to fill my senses, my sprint quickened as I climbed up the set of stairs, finally reaching the roof, not forgetting to lock the door. 

I hurried towards the edge of the building, pulled out a semi-tangled rope from my bag and immediately tied it around a big hook that was deeply ingrained on the ledge.

My heart rate increased at the thought of not being able to save them. I made haste in securing the rope and untangling whatever knots available while my eyes scanned for the survivors below.

A large crowd of zombies was gathered at 2 o'clock in a tight mass, seemingly to be feasting greedily, making my heart drop as I processed the scene before me.

I was too late.

My frown formed while I watched the demise of a survivor who I was unable to rescue.

But before I was able to drop down on my knees and dwell in sorrow at the thought of truly having to survive this apocalypse alone, I noticed the crowd was beginning to sparse, heading in an opposite direction.

It's only then that I was able to see the aftermath of what was left of the victim, probably the one who screamt earlier, saving my life. 

I saw the body of a semi-blonde female with multiple layers of clothes she wore torn to shreds, not able to distinguish its initial colour now that it's dirtied with her blood.

She was laying on her back, eyes wide open, face chewed off, chunks of flesh ripped out from her abdomen, revealing her internal organs just shy from falling off her thin skin. Just barely holding it in where she bathed in a pool of fresh blood that was still oozing out.

Such a gory sight that I have grown calloused to. Her body is completely still, though I'm confused. Why didn't she turn like the rest did?

My eyes trailed back towards where they're running towards.

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