GOF 12

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Rory was sat with Fred and George in the common room. Harry was on the other side of the room slightly watching the twins with their heads together, quills out, pouring over a single piece of parchment. George shook his head at Fred, before he scratched something out with his quill, before saying 

"No - that sounds like we're accusing him. Got to be careful " Rory sits on the armchair behind them with her head rested on her knees looking out the window not really paying much attention to what the two are actually writing. George places a hand on her leg. "Rory you okay"

"Fine just tired" George just nods before going back to the letter.

"I'm not liking where this is going" Euphemia says looking at her granddaughter.

Harry looks over and notices Rory asleep with Fred and George sat on the floor infront of her telling everyone to go away.

"Didn't know they did that" Rory looks at Harry.


Rory woke with a start from a nightmare to find Fred and George had fallen asleep against the chair she was sat on.

"That's cute how they stayed with you" Marlene said smiling slightly.

"Yeah we figured out pretty quickly I had less nightmares when they was with me"

Glancing at the clock it was half 2 in the morning. Reaching over Rory grabs the book she'd left on the table beside her and continues reading it knowing sleep would be pointless now.

"How was your functioning on such a small amount of sleep" Hermione asks her.

"Wasn't exactly functioning was I that year"

When they arrived in the entrance hall on the way to breakfast there's a large crowd of students congregated there, all milling around a large sign that had been erected at the foot of the marble staircase. Fred Read it aloud to the other 


"Wicked" George said smiling "we'll finally know who we need to fool to enter" Rory rolls her eyes laughing slightly before pulling them into the Great Hall where they sit towards the end of the Gryffindor table.

As they were starting breakfast owls started swooping in through the windows with the post. Phoenix landed in front of Rory holding her leg out for her to take the letter from her. After taking the letter she gives her a piece of toast before she takes off back out of the window.

"Who's that from" Fred asks looking over her shoulder at the letter "that's Charlie's handwriting"

"That's because it's from Charlie obviously"

"Oh yeah, does our little Rory have a boyfriend"

"Seriously Freddie its Charlie I've wrote to him for years"

"But he was your boyfriend" Alice says confused.

"Yeah but you two looked really cozy over the summer" She glares at him as he raises his hands in surrender. Opening the letter she starts reading as Fred and George start talking about the tournament again.

"I'll meet you guys in class. I've got something I need to do quickly" She says standing up and putting the letter in her pocket.

"You've barely eaten" George looks at her plate then up at her. 

"How did I seriously not know you were going through this" Harry says looking at Rory.

"I'm great at hiding things" Rory shrugs.

"I'm not hungry. I'll see you in a bit" Rory walks out of the Great Hall heading to the library when theres footsteps behind her. Turning she sees Fred and George following. "What are you two doing. Go back to breakfast" 

"No. That's it we've had enough of this. You're hiding something" Fred says grabbing her arm to stop her walking away.

"I'm so happy they don't believe you" James smiles at his daughter who was resting her head on Remus's shoulder.

"We've been letting things go thinking you'll come and talk to us in your own time but Rory we can see how whatever it is, is effecting you a lot. So we're going to talk about this now" George said agreeing with Fred.

"It's weird seeing this side of Fred and George" Ron says watching the screen.

Turning she walked straight into Fred wrapping her arms around him taking him slightly by surprise.

"I'm not okay" She whispers into his chest.

"It's okay Rory" Fred says hugging her tighter. "Come on lets go somewhere more private so we can talk" She nods stepping away from Fred slightly as George wraps an arm around her. They follow Fred to a random room. Once they're in the room Rory hands Fred the letter from Charlie to read. As he and George read it she goes and sits on one of the chairs in the room, bringing her knees up to her chest.

"Firstly is it what I think it is between you and our dear Charlie" Fred smirks.


"And you didn't tell us" Fred gasps.

"We were seeing how it went before telling anyone" 

"Okay right now thats out of the way" Fred says getting more serious "Why do you want to hide the scars" She gives him an are you serious right now look.

"That's why you kept reading random books that year" Hermione says finally realising.

"You've seen the stares I know you have. Don't think I haven't noticed the looks you send people or the way you step in front of me to block me from view and I really appreciate it I do but it would be so much better for everyone if you didn't need to do that and if I didn't have the scar it wouldn't be necessary"

"We don't care, we'll protect you against anything you're not just our best friend you are our sister. Charlies right when he says the people who love you don't care. That scar doesn't change who you are unless you let it Rory which you are" George says as he crouches down in front of her as Fred paces slightly.

"I try not to let it but I feel like there's no room left in my head for that. Every time I go to sleep I have nightmares of that night and also of the Quidditch world cup. That wasn't the first time I'd seen that mark. It was above my parents house when they were killed. All I remember from that night is that mark and my mothers scream. I'm sorry for not telling you any of this but I didn't want you to have to worry about my problems" Fred stops pacing walking over and crouching next to George. 

"Don't hide things from us Ror, we want to be here for you but you need to let us" Fred says as George nods beside him.

"I know I'm sorry" George wraps his arms around her, pulling her to him.

"I'm glad you were honest with them" James smiles at Rory.

"Yeah just so you know these issues go on for two years" Rory mutters looking at the floor.

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