*POA 2*

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"Come on Rory lets go find Lee" Fred shouts to her heading to the train.

"Coming" she calls back before turning to look at Harry "I'll come find you in a bit okay"

"Okay Rory, see you in a bit" she walks away from him and goes to find the twins. They find Lee waiting for them in an empty compartment.

"Finally guys I was getting lonely here alone" he sighs dramatically as they all laugh at him.

"He's as dramatic as Sirius" Remus smirks at his friend.

"Every friend group needs a dramatic person Moony ours was Lee yours was Pads" Rory smiles at them.

"Lee you can't have been alone for more than five minutes stop being so dramatic" Rory says as he stands and pulls her into a hug.

"Missed you to Rory"

"As lovely as this reunion is can we sit down now" Fred jokes behind them before giving Lee a high five. Before long the train starts to leave the station and they're surrounded by nothing but countryside.

"So Ror what did my Dad want earlier" George asks distracting Lee and Fred from their games of exploding snaps.

"Oh just to tell me and Harry that Sirius Black has supposedly escaped to kill Harry"

"I love how calmly she says that" Marlene says looking at Rory who shrugs

"I'm a calm person"

"Does that mean he'll be after you as well seeing as you and Harry are brother and sister" George says concerned.

"I don't think so. Apparently he was a big supporter of you know who and it's Harry's fault that he's gone so he's out for revenge against Harry"

"So you're safe then"

"Yes George I'm completely safe. I'm going to go check on Harry quick I'll be back soon" Rory stands and heads to find Harry. He's in a compartment with Ron and Hermione as well as a man sleeping with his head against the window and his coat pulled over him as a blanket.

"Hey" Rory says quietly opening their compartment door and taking a seat between Ron and Hermione.

"I love how she spoke quietly after noticing the man asleep" Alice said.

"Hey Rory I was just telling them about what Mr Weasley told us earlier. Have you told the twins?"

"Yea I told them just now they was concerned for me until I told them he's just after you"

"Wait what if they have a point what if he decides to use you to get to Harry you're the only family he has left and everyone knows that" Hermione says making Harry look worried.

"Ror that's true what if he does use you"

"Harry I am perfectly safe don't worry about me. We will both be safe at Hogwarts you know that. Anyway whos this?" Rory says changing the subject quickly.

"R.J. Lupin. We think he might be the new defence against the dark arts professor" Hermione answers. As if he heard his name he moved slightly but stayed asleep.

"Wait is that Moony?" James asks smiling at Remus.

Suddenly the train jerks to a stop and sways slightly before all the lights flicker and go out. The air goes cold enough to see their breaths.

"Why are we stopping we can't be there yet" Hermione is the first to speak. the train sways slightly again.

"What's going on" Ron says his voice almost a whisper.

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