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"Epcot," Y/n gasped. Muichiro smiled. "Babe, I just wanna hang out with you," he said. "So Koyuki gladly gave me the permission to ask you out."

Y/n blushed, gladly nodding. Muichiro smiled and held her hand. Y/n smiled.
》》★ I hate translating everything

"Y/n!" Muichiro cooed.
"Yes?" Y/n asked, facing Muichiro. "Lookie! I found the Ratatouille ride! Wanna ride with me?" Muichiro asked. Y/n smiled. "Of course I would, silly! Let's go!"

Y/n got in the ride with Muichiro. It started moving, and it was so much fun. Y/n felt dizzy thanks to all the moving and swishing, but Muichiro felt fine.

》》》★ I feel like this is what happens before angst

"Do you like it when you hang out with me all day?" Muichiro asked, holding Y/n's hand. Y/n smiled. "Of course, Mui! I love you!" She exclaimed. Muichiro smiled and grabbed Y/n's hands.

"Then, N/n, it's about time I give you your birthday present," he said. Y/n widened her eyes in excitement, a beautiful smile on her face. "Ooh!" She squealed.

"Come, let's go. I want to give it to you in secret," Muichiro whispered, leading her to an alley, remoted far away from the others, or the public.

Muichiro pinned Y/n to the wall. Shocked, Y/n quivers in fear. "It's okay, Y/n," Muichiro cooed, lifting her chin up. "I haven't kissed you on the lips, I just missed it. Don't you miss it?"

Y/n took a moment to think and blushed as she nodded. "I... kind of do, Mui.." she said.
"Well, now you can have my love."
"Is this my present?"
"No, the actual one is in my pocket."
"Are you going to go rough on me?"
"No, but if you resist, then I might have to, babe~"

You might have liked this side of Muichiro, but not entirely. But, it kind of made you wanna kiss him right away, feel his lips on yours, feel his love...

"Just do it already, Muichiro. But, don't go far out," Y/n warned. Muichiro smirked and nodded, minimizing the gap between her face and his.

Muichiro's lips were just centimeters apart, Y/n can feel Muichiro's hot breath. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck as Muichiro had his hands on the wall.

Y/n just wanted to kiss him right there, but Muichiro's lips got to hers first. The kiss was real, passionate, and soft, as Muichiro promised. They moved their lips in sync.

After a few more seconds, their lips parted. Y/n blushed rapidly. "What's wrong, babe?" Muichiro asked, letting go of the wall. "Nothing. That was the longest kiss we ever shared..." Y/n mumbled, unwrapping her arms around his neck.

Muichiro smiled. "Now is time for your present," he said.
Y/n perked up her ears in excitement.
Muichiro knelt down on one knee as Y/n tilted her head confused.

Muichiro then brought out a little box. "Y/n Tomioka..." he said. Y/n put her hands over her mouth as she gasped. Muichiro opened the box, showing a beautiful ring.

"Y/n Tomioka..."
"After we graduate... will you marry me?"

Y/n smiled warmly as she hugged Muichiro. "YES! I will! I will! I will!" She laughed. Muichiro laughed, too.

"Aw—I love you!"
"I love you too, Y/n."
"Shut up."

Y/n and Muichiro looked Y/n's right, and Muichiro's left and saw Hakuji, Rui, and Koyuki. Selena wasn't there. Rui looked at Y/n and Muichiro with a small smile.

"Congrats, you two!" Koyuki exclaimed. Y/n and Muichiro grew flustered. "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!" Y/n asked. "Stalkers, I say." Muichiro sighed.

"Hey, we're not stalkers." Rui said. "And what are you doing here." Muichiro asked. Rui rubbed his nape. "Megumi... got me into it... she and I... had a talk..." he replied nervously, looking away.

Hakuji looked at Rui. "What did you guys talk about?" He asked. "... stuff." Rui replied. "Speaking of Selena, where is she?" Muichiro asked. "..." Rui didn't respond, so Muichiro asked again.

"She said that she just wants some alone time," Rui replied. "It's my fault. After ditching you guys like that. But it's okay, Selena is okay. She's just, not herself."

Y/n nodded. "It's okay, Rui. Besides!"
She hugged Rui. "I missed my best friend." Rui gasped and hugged Y/n back. Looking at Muichiro, Rui smiled weakly, but Muichiro gave him a glare.

Letting go of the hug, Y/n smiled as she looked at her friends.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

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