Universal's Control Pt 2

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"Have you ever wondered who your sister hangs out with?" Koyuki asked. "No. She hangs out with Yuichiro and Yūi. But since Yūi isn't here to fix Rui's ******* attitude toward us then she just hangs out with Yuichiro," Selena replied.

"Oh, makes sense," Hakuji hummed. I sat down on a bench next to Mui. I leaned onto his shoulder. "Mui, what's on your mind?" I asked. "A lot of things," Mui replied. "Will you be okay?" I asked. "With you by my side, I'll always be okay," Mui replied.

I giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Do you miss Rui?" Hakuji asked. "Yes. But I can't help but feel as if something bad will ensue..." Selena replied. "My brother said to ignore this feeling since I've had it ever since Mei came to our table... how close she got into Rui's face... how close she was to taking him away..." Selena sighed.

"And Muichiro. I have a bad feeling about Mei.
She might tear this friend group apart..." she said. "Wow, you may have the sixth sense," Koyuki said. "I'm serious, Koyuki. She might break all of us... starting with Rui. Then me, then you, then Hakuji, Muichiro, and Y/n. She will tear us apart one by one."

"No, I think you're right," I said, chiming in their conversation. "She might end up breaking Mui and me up. I feel it too."

"Maybe she knows something that we don't know about Rui," Hakuji suggested. "Maybe that's how she's using Rui as her doormat," Mui replied. "Wow, we are such big-brainers," Selena giggled. "I just wish Rui and I never dated. It will hurt less."

"Nonsense!" Koyuki exclaimed. "Let's go on a ride. To get our minds off of this, you know?" Mui suggested. I nodded.


"URGH!" Koyuki whined. "I can't ride the Velocicoaster?!" "Sorry ma'am the Velocicoaster somehow broke and we're doing our best to fix it," the worker said. Koyuki grumbled and walked away.

"Sorry girlie that we can't ride the Velocicoaster," I sighed. Selena chewed on her candy bar. "Yeah, I'm going to give Disney World a one-star review," Koyuki snarled. "Where are the boys?" Selena asked. "I dunno, somewhere," I replied.

"HAHAHHAHA!" Hakuji laughed. "I can't believe we somehow broke the Velocicoaster!" Muichiro laughed. They were in an alley. "We're gonna die," Hakuji said.

"Let's ride the King Kong ride, where we pretend that we're on a tour," Muichiro suggested. "Yeah but with the girls. I wanna see their screaming faces," Hakuji chuckled. Muichiro laughed.

"Where are they?" Muichiro asked, "They were just right there."

"Maybe they're eating somewhere," Hakuji replied. "But where? Where would Y/n eat? She's the leader in the girl group," Muichiro said.

"I don't know. You're her boyfriend." Hakuji said. "I know! Since Selena is having a bad attitude she'll cheer her friend up and go to the place with the best sweets!" Muichiro said proudly. "Like where?" Hakuji asked. "Let's search it up."


"There you guys are!" Muichiro gasped. "Huh?" Y/n sighed. "Oh, how are you guys?" "Fine now that I found you, babe!" Muichiro chuckled, hugging his girlfriend. "What are you doing here?" Hakuji asked. "We just went here to calm Selena and Koyuki's minds," Y/n replied.

"Unfortunately Mei and Rui are here," Selena mumbled. "And..." she sighed. "They left once you two got here," Koyuki said. "Probably didn't want to mess with us," Hakuji said. "Especially Rui," Selena said.

"He's a pain in the ass," Y/n cursed freely, "Rui ignored us when we said hi."


"Wow. Pain in the ass he is," Muichiro said. "No one ignores a lady like that!" Hakuji exclaimed. "Not even my girlfriend. What is wrong with that guy," Muichiro snarled.

Y/n sighed. "Can I tell you something?"
The group nodded. "Rui was attacked by Densuke Fukuda," she said. Selena widened her eyes in shock. "He never told me!" Selena exclaimed. "He never told me at all! He said he had nothing else to hide! He said he was fine!"

"Why does he lie to me? I have a short life!" Selena said, sobbing. Koyuki patted her back. "I hate this!" Selena exclaimed, hugging me. "It's okay... we all go through this someday..." I sighed, patting her back.

"I don't want this to be bad for all of you," Selena sighed, "Let's have some fun here, shall we?"


We rode a billion rides. It was so much fun. I still felt something missing, and that was Rui. One time I was expecting Rui to say a sarcastic remark about Hakuji, but I never heard it because he wasn't there. It hurt when I saw Selena frown, and when I do, I just get a kiss from Mui. Sometimes I get a lot of kisses from Mui until I smile.

"Stop kissing me!" I giggled as Mui kissed me over and over again. He gave me a long kiss on the lips. "Ew, they're kissing!" Koyuki laughed. Mui let go of the kiss. "Are you happy now?" He asked. I nodded. "I am! I am!" I laughed.

He smiled and looked at Koyuki. "Koyuki, I'm pretty sure that every couple kisses," Mui sighed. Koyuki giggled. "Yeah... every couple..." Selena muttered.


We went on so many rides, drank so many drinks, and ate so many foods. I was so tired until I saw Rui. My eyes widened when I saw him with the other eye showing.

I gasped, seeing a scar and something else. Streaks of lines? I don't know what those are, but they are sure the heck weird. He showed them for the first time! Why?

"Rui!" I called. He flinched, looking at me. His hand went to his eye, before backing up. "RUI!" I called, chasing him. I grabbed his wrist. "Rui!" I exclaimed. "That's what's under your eye?"

He gritted his teeth, took his hand off of his eye, and pulled away. "Enough! Don't you dare tell anyone what you saw, am I clear?" He growled. "What about Selena!" I asked. He sighed. "She can't know about this, for her safety."

"No! She needs to know! She's been different without you! We've all been different without you!" I exclaimed. "I'll come back when I calm down," he replied. "I don't want my attitude to ruin anybody."

"But you've already ruined Selena," I said. "I know I have. Being forced to hang out with Mei killed me. That's why I've been trying to avoid her," Rui said. He then grabbed my wrist. "But if you tell anyone what you saw—I will know immediately."

I shivered. "How?"
"I can tell," Rui said, letting go of my wrist.

He left, walking away as he gotten out of my view. "Rui..." I mumbled.

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