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When stanley arrives at the strip club and slides in the hole that leads to the strip club. He entered with a passionate smile that obviously stated he was proud for what creative club he started. Stanley walked to the polls fastly to see what his workers had been up to. He saw all the change on the floor, so shiny that he could see his reflection. Admiring him self he saw Mr.Sir. His face dropped in panic wondering how did he find out about his secret. Mr.Sirs smiling soon turned into anger. Stanley quickly pasted to the bunker of his strip club. Mr. Sir ran off for his sunflowers and something else. Something so shocking. Stanley waited in the bunker for about 15 minutes. He slowly came out with a visable look of fear on his face. He heard bass boosted footsteps and he paused. Mr.Sir dropped down the hole WITH A BOMB. The dancers screamed in agony while Stanley was still in a time pause. A shadow figure appeared in the sky with a ladder hanging off. "TAKE OFF BOYS"- Mr. Sir yelled to his get away runners while climbing up the ladder. "KA BOOM CHIK A BOMB". The bomb went off. It was so loud it blew out a couple of ear drums. That's it. His eyes went blank.

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