Chapter 13: Arguments

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Kion ran after Rani, "What happened to you?" Rani turned around to face him, "What are you talking about?"

"You've got a collar full of Cougar teeth around you neck!" Kion shouted. Rani growled, "It's a weapon. So that we can defeat the Pridelands."

"That's a bit extra. Don't you think?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "You're just weak," Rani snarled. "I'm starting to wonder why Zira even let you into this pride!"

"Because I was abandoned! Just like you were!" Kion roared. He instantly realized what he said was wrong.

Rani dug her claws into the ground and started breathing slowly, which made Kion feel uneasy.

"I...wasn't....ABANDONED!" Rani screamed. She lunged at Kion. They rolled around. Rani instantly had the advantage and pinned him down. She dug her claws deep into his shoulders and lowered her head. She growled and Kion saw her teeth, which were the size of a sabor's.

Kion pressed his paw firmly onto her chest, trying to push her fangs away from his throat.

The Pride was intrigued on the fight and sat around them. Kovu didn't help Kion because Rani would kill him as well.

Rani roared and Kion had to close his eyes at the impact. Wait! The Roar! Kion thought. He roared, but made it soft enough so Rani wasn't hurt.

She flew off him and landed hard on her side. She grunted and stood up. Kion also got up, and stared at her.

Rani charged at him again. She raised her paw to slice his throat, but Kion batted it aside and tackled her. They rolled over and Kion held Rani down firmly.

She growled and tried to struggle free, but Kion refused to let his grip go, "I'm apart of this pride. If you can't accept that then, I'll have to kill you." Kion brought his paw to her neck.

Rani nodded and Kion let go. "This isn't over," Rani snarled and walked into her den.

Kion was panting in the center of the pride. Kovu walked up to him, "Wow. You were almost beat by a lioness!" "Almost," Kion growled.

"Woah," Kovu chuckled. "Someone's mad." "Yes I'm mad! She attacked me!" Kion snarled. "Probably because you asked about the teeth," Kovu shrugged.

"That's not normal!"

"What? The teeth or you asking about it?" Kovu asked.

"The teeth! Why does she have those!" Kion shouted. "We all have our trophies of battle," Kovu shrugged.

Kion rolled his eye's, "Whatever. Anyway, I'm forgetting my feelings for her. I'm not going to have a psycho for a mate!"

"You keep repeating this. It's almost as if you're trying to convince yourself you don't like her," Kovu tilted his head to the side.

"I don't like her! Not anymore!" The fur on Kion's back raised. Kovu backed up, "All right. All right. I believe you."

Kion let his fur lay flat, "Good. Now I would like to eat. Is there any meat of Kiara left?"

"No. Everyone else already ate her. But we have a gazelle. If you want that?" Kovu asked. "Yeah sure." Kion walked toward the fresh kill pile.

Kion grabbed the gazelle's leg, but he felt someone else tug on it. He looked up and growled. It was Rani.

"Males eat first," Kion snarled. "Not in this pride they don't!" Rani jumped onto of the fresh kill pile and looked down on Kion.

"I had the gazelle first!" Kion growled. "Even if you did, the leader eats first," Rani held her head up proudly. Kion could see the Cougar teeth on her neck glow in the sunlight.

"I don't care. I want the gazelle!" Kion unsheathed his claws. "Willing to fight over a piece of meat?" Rani looked at him, expectantly. "Alright."

Rani growled and jumped off of the fresh kill pile. Kion stood on his hind paws and stretched out his arms, claws unsheathed

Rani collided with him and the rolled around. Rani bit into Kion's chest, but Kion quickly threw her off with his hind paws.

"I saved your life and this is what I get?" Kion growled. "You should've let me die," Rani smirked. "Now I'll be a nightmare you can't get rid of."

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